Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Pumpkin carving

Last night we caved our pumpkins.  Usually I like to make a Halloween themed dinner to enjoy the night we do our pumpkins, but I didn't this year.  I've been getting some serious headaches the last week, and didn't feel up to doing all the planning.  Lucky for me I have a really sweet husband who took care of dinner.  I came home from work and found beef stew in the crockpot, and rosemary rolls in the oven-yum!

After he picked up Savannah from school, the two of them went to Dairy Queen to buy an ice cream cake for dessert (they are half off on Tuesday's)

Dinner was delicious!

As soon as we were finished eating dinner and dessert we got busy on our pumpkins.

It's a funny mix.  Patrick & I love carving pumpkins, but the kids don't as much.  Trevor did his as quick as he could, Griffin as usually complained about cleaning his pumpkin out (he has some sensory issues), and Savannah could not for the life of her decide what to do.

We made a huge mess!  That is to be expected though.
We all eventually finished, and they all turned out really good.

                                                       Savannah with her ghost

                                                           Me with my Day of the Dead skull

Griffin with the MockingJay symbol

Trevor' pumpkin face with infinity symbol eyes

Patrick's Mexican pumpkin complete with sombrero and mustache

It was a fun night.  We are officially ready for Halloween now.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Love story- part 4

Part 1, 2, 3

Like I said before, we were not expecting for US to happen.  It was fast and super intense! 

I like to believe that we met exactly when we were suppose to.  If not at that moment, we may have never met.  I believe we were meant to be together.  Maybe that's why when we met we felt like we had known each other forever.

The funny thing is we didn't ever go out to do stuff when we hung out.  No dinner, no movies, no walks.  We just found a place to be, and talked, and talked, and talked some more.

In the entire three weeks we spent together we went on two official dates.  One was a day trip to Santa Barbara. We walked around the town, ate lunch, went to his Aunt Laurie's house so I could meet her, and spent time at the beach.

The other date was for my 21st birthday.  We went to beautiful Griffith Park Observatory.  That was the first time we really talked about him leaving for the Navy.  I still remember him saying "I don't think we should break up just because I'm leaving."  I remember thinking "So, I we really are officially a couple now.  It made me happy.

The end came quicker than I wanted.  Goodbye parties.  Packing bags.  Our time together was over. 

He left for the MEPS station shortly after my birthday.  I don't even remember saying goodbye.

I do remember being at work, and getting a call from him.  He asked if I would drive down to the hotel where he and all others were staying before they left for Boot Camp.  I wrote down the directions, and after work drove down near LAX.  I clearly remember being overwhelmed with how many young men there were at that hotel.  So many leaving to join the Military.  I walked around the Hotel, but didn't see him.  I started out the front doors, when I felt him grab my arm.  Boy, it was good to see him!

We went out dinner at a submarine theme restaurant called THE DIVE it was fitting since he was leaving for the Navy.  After dinner, we drove back to the hotel.  It was time to say our goodbyes.  We told one another that we would write, and he said he'd call when he could.

I was heartbroken.  How could this be happening?  I just met the most awesome guy, and now he's leaving.

The next day I was back at work feeling a little blue.

Lucky for me, while I was thinking about how he must be flying somewhere over the country on his way to Chicago, I got another phone call.  He said he was held up, and was not going to leave until the next morning.  He asked me to come visit him again.  He didn't have to ask me twice.

I was thrilled we had yet another chance to see each other.

This time we went to the outside back of the hotel and just talked for a few hours.

I knew when it was time to leave that I wouldn't be getting another phone call the next day.

This was it.

Our final goodbye. 

He walked me to the parking garage where my car was, then I drove him back to the hotel.  I didn't get out.  He gave me a kiss, and said he'd be in touch.

Then I drove away.  I looked into the rear view mirror and can still remember seeing him standing there.

I was a hot mess.  I got onto the freeway with tears streaming down my face.  It was heartbreaking.

To be continued....

Here we are at Griffith Park Observatory almost exactly 13 years later 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Fall Break

Here's some pictures of what we did over Fall Break.

- Lunch at a local casino
- Favorite used book store
- Pumpkin patch fun
- Halloween cupcakes
- The boys taught Dad how to play a game they made
- Cinnamon rolls

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Bandelier National Monument

Today we went to Bandelier for the first time ever.  It's funny, we often think we've seen everything in this state, but then we remember places like this that we've heard about.

Bandelier is basically a place inhabited by early people who built homes or carved them into the sides of rock cliffs. 

It was a beautiful fall day.  Perfect for some hiking!

The kids loved climbing all the ladders into the Kiva's.  We thought it was pretty cool that people actually used to live here in these small stone rooms.


We woke up super early & left our house by 6:30 to make the two hour drive there.  If you arrive before 9:00am you can drive directly into the park, but if you come after that, you have to take a shuttle from a nearby town.  We wanted to park inside the park, and bring a cooler with our lunch.  After we were done hiking, we enjoyed our picnic.  It actually got pretty chilly while we were eating.  The wind was blowing, and in was just barley drizzling. The best part of getting there so early was the fact that we missed most all of the crowds. As we were eating, bus loads of tourists were being dropped off.  It was a beautiful day, and were glad we finally went to see this beautiful place!