Sunday, October 12, 2014

Bandelier National Monument

Today we went to Bandelier for the first time ever.  It's funny, we often think we've seen everything in this state, but then we remember places like this that we've heard about.

Bandelier is basically a place inhabited by early people who built homes or carved them into the sides of rock cliffs. 

It was a beautiful fall day.  Perfect for some hiking!

The kids loved climbing all the ladders into the Kiva's.  We thought it was pretty cool that people actually used to live here in these small stone rooms.


We woke up super early & left our house by 6:30 to make the two hour drive there.  If you arrive before 9:00am you can drive directly into the park, but if you come after that, you have to take a shuttle from a nearby town.  We wanted to park inside the park, and bring a cooler with our lunch.  After we were done hiking, we enjoyed our picnic.  It actually got pretty chilly while we were eating.  The wind was blowing, and in was just barley drizzling. The best part of getting there so early was the fact that we missed most all of the crowds. As we were eating, bus loads of tourists were being dropped off.  It was a beautiful day, and were glad we finally went to see this beautiful place!