Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Pumpkin carving

Last night we caved our pumpkins.  Usually I like to make a Halloween themed dinner to enjoy the night we do our pumpkins, but I didn't this year.  I've been getting some serious headaches the last week, and didn't feel up to doing all the planning.  Lucky for me I have a really sweet husband who took care of dinner.  I came home from work and found beef stew in the crockpot, and rosemary rolls in the oven-yum!

After he picked up Savannah from school, the two of them went to Dairy Queen to buy an ice cream cake for dessert (they are half off on Tuesday's)

Dinner was delicious!

As soon as we were finished eating dinner and dessert we got busy on our pumpkins.

It's a funny mix.  Patrick & I love carving pumpkins, but the kids don't as much.  Trevor did his as quick as he could, Griffin as usually complained about cleaning his pumpkin out (he has some sensory issues), and Savannah could not for the life of her decide what to do.

We made a huge mess!  That is to be expected though.
We all eventually finished, and they all turned out really good.

                                                       Savannah with her ghost

                                                           Me with my Day of the Dead skull

Griffin with the MockingJay symbol

Trevor' pumpkin face with infinity symbol eyes

Patrick's Mexican pumpkin complete with sombrero and mustache

It was a fun night.  We are officially ready for Halloween now.