Saturday, May 16, 2015

Awards assembly

A few nights ago there was an awards assembly at Lincoln Middle School. Much to our surprise :) Trevor got Student of the Year in algebra. he said he was a great student he did so well in the class he could have taught the class ect.
It's been a year of highs and lows. He is a super smart kid, but doesn't always show it in his work. He was pretty excited to get this award.
On another note, Griffin has done excellent this year with the exception of one B he maintained principal list three times and honor roll once. So, all A's for the year except for one B is pretty darn good. We are proud.

The Awards this year was not based strictly on grades, so Griffin did not get an award which she was slightly bummed about. He did handle it well, and had some really funny lines. One thing he said was when I told him to stay in the car for a minute so I could take Trevor's picture he said "that's fine I'll just sit here in the shadow of my brother." Another thing he said "its okay mom I'm just your disappointment of a kid." He was taking it very well and cracking jokes all evening. I did pull him aside and give me a big hug and tell him I was proud of him. He had a fantastic first year of middle school!

First shave

Trevor came home from school and said that freshman ID pictures would be the next day. He asked if he could get his haircut for the picture and I said sure, and then he said I also need to shave. That is very true he has been growing a mustache and beard for sometime not really peach fuzz is actually longer than peach fuzz, so I was more than happy to help me out. Patrick was at work, so I gave him his first shave. Patrick will give him a lesson and buy him a razor in the near future. He is growing up.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

It was are really nice Mother's Day today. I was woken up this morning with breakfast in bed made by Griffin. Patrick told me a cute story of him panicking because he hadn't planned anything and didn't realize it was Mothers Day so, he decided to make me a breakfast which I thought was very sweet. We went to church, I only stayed for sacrament meeting cause I had been sick the night before. I came home and took a nice three hour nap. I got cards from Patrick and the kids, and Patrick made me a beautiful dinner. After dinner we all went for a walk which was nice, the weather was perfect. After we got home I started working on a Mother's Day craft. I finally decided to take all of the kids hospital items from when they were born and put them into shadow boxes and hang them up. I love the way they turned out so nice to have these things on display instead of put away in a box. It was a lovely day. I'm grateful for the opportunity to be a mother, even with the challenges that often  come with the task. Definitely a rollercoaster ride, but not one that I want off of anytime soon  :-)

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Ballet recital

After the Renaissance Fair it was time for Savannah's spring ballet recital.
The theme was Peter Pan, and her class we're the princess Tiger Lily. Savannah did a great job, it's amazing how much better she's gotten over the years. Many people came up afterward and said Savannah did great and looked great. She definitely has the ballerina body. We are very proud of her!

Renaissance Fair

I was so excited there was actually something to do in Albuquerque this past weekend. A renaissance fair came to town. I knew I wanted to take the kids to check it out. I was worried that it would be lame, but actually it was really cool and they loved it. I think my favorite parts we're seeing people in costume and the jousting. We'll be going again for sure.