Monday, June 29, 2015

Hike to cave

We took a quick evening hike, and found a cave. After we left we discovered that there was another "famous" cave nearby called Sandia Cave. We will definitely go back to check that place out. The Sunset on the drive home was spectacular!


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Final drive home

Because of a missed turn we ended up going through Ouray and Silverton, Colorado instead of Moab, Utah. It was well worth the extra time.  The drive was stunning!

We've planned to go to Ouray and camp, but never did. Driving through there we decided it is a must do now!  Awesome little mountain in such a beautiful setting.

We stopped in Durango at Honeyville for some tasty treat (we love that place).  Then onto to some dinner by the river before our final 3 hours home.

We sure had a great trip!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Camp DeMucha day 5

Today it was time to pack up, clean up and say our goodbyes.

All the cousins minus Kelcey & Bronson who are grown up, and busy doing stuff.  And baby Everett who is due to arrive in August.

Everyone giving hugs and saying bye...

Within minutes in the car the kids were passed out.

We drove to Idaho Falls about an hour away.  We stopped for lunch and remembered that the Museum of Idaho had the exhibit Real Pirates.  Since I love all things Pirates, we decided to check it out.  It was a little strange not to have 30 people with us. This is such a great little museum. We've seen so many great exhibits there.  This one did not disappoint either.  It was really cool.

When we finished at the museum we went to Reed's Dairy for some ice cream. Patrick was happy to get his huckleberry fix.

We hit the road again. This time for Salt Lake city almost 3 hours away.
We decided to visit Temple square.  Surprisingly (even though I lived I  Utah years ago) Our family had never been. We parked at the Joseph Smith Memorial building. Wow just wow.  Even Trevor was smiling here.

We made our way around Temple square admiring the buildings and the visitor centers.


 Patrick was impressed with how much we saw in the few hours we were there.  Next time we'll have to stay much longer to see it all.  I'm so impressed with the Mormon pioneers and what they were able to accomplish here so long ago. So glad we finally visited.

We had dinner at the Lion House (Brigham Young's home).  The food was delish.  The home beautiful.

After our late dinner we drove to our Hotel in Provo.  Long day, but great day.