Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Summer so far...

We've  been on our summer break for just over a week. We've  kept pretty busy. I haven't  been feeling  like blogging, so I'm  a bit behind. Here's  a update on summer so far.
I picked Savannah up from school, where the school played the traditional "celebrate  good times "song was playing. That night we all went out to dinner to celebrate  Trevor finishing  8th grade.  We went to Joe's Pasta House.  Patrick  gave Trevor  a gift, a watch that his Dad had given him when he finished 8th grade.  Earlier in the week we had a new watch band put on and had a new battery put in.  Trevor loved it!
We did our traditional  fire where we burned school papers from the year. We have gone hiking (we're  planning  to go each week). We also have done some Geocaching. The kids and I visited  the memorial for a police officer that was killed last week. Super sad.
So, that's  summer so far for us.