Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A good day

Yesterday was a good day!
These days aren't exactly few and far between, but good days don't happen daily for sure.

In the morning,  after the kids were at school the Patrick and I ran some errands.  One errand was getting my tire patched (it had a nail in it).  Not a good thing, but it was under warranty, so it was free. After we we done and headed home we stopped for lunch at Baja Fresh. We enjoyed some yummy food.  As we were getting ready to leave, someone approached me that I recognized. It was an old acquaintance from New Mexico.  Tracey Sweeson. We hugged, and started catching up. She and I were in the same ward in New Mexico and were even scout leaders together.  It was totally unexpected and random. Her husband relocated here with Intel almost three years ago. Felt so nice to talk to someone 'back home' definitely put a smile on my face.
In the evening, I dropped the boys off at the church for their first temple trip. Once they were off we decided to go to the library with Savannah.  We found out you can check out all kinds of cool stuff from the library like cake pans, sewing machine,  cotton candy machine,  dehydrator ect.  Cool stuff!  Afterwards,  we went to the back to feed the ducks and ....the geese too, I guess. It was a beautiful evening.  We all enjoyed ourselves.  The boys came home late with chick -fil- a.  The bishop took all the YM out to eat after. They said the temple was beautiful and it was a really good night at the temple (despite Griffin getting a bloody nose during the baptisms). I saw this quote in Facebook today as well. * pic below 

Maybe things will be alright after all.