Saturday, April 9, 2016

One month in

We've been living here for just over a month now. It seems like a rollercoaster of emotions. 
I don't really  remember the details of our move to New Mexico 10 years ago, so I really want to document how I'm feeling, and our adjustments.  I'll break it down by category.
School- The schools here are smaller. For middle school and high school there doesn't seem to be as many choices for electives. Middle School actually there's hardly any it's really only music, Spanish, art and PE  and they rotate through those as a group.  No Latin for Trevor anymore.  Griffin just switched to a new school this past week. He got into a special program called Summa for " highly gifted " kids.  He really likes it. It's more on target for his level. Savannah has a male teacher who she likes. She also gets Spanish.  They are learning stuff she already learned in New Mexico though, which isn't saying much. They don't offer band, so no more clarinet.
The kids seem to be doing ok and making some friends.
Church- Our ward is tiny! There are hardly any youth.  Trevor is the only 14yr old boy and Savannah is the only 11yr old girl. It's way different. The people are nice, but dry. They don't do a scouting program (they say there's not any interest and not enough boys).  I need to find another ward to take Trevor to their program.  We've only gone to church three times and I seriously cringe each time I go.
Work- Well, Patrick is adjusting.  It's much different at this site. Same company different politics. I've been applying for jobs like crazy! I had one interview at a school that included a kid on the interview panel.  It was odd. I did get a job as a sub, I do orientation at the end of the month.  Not working had been really hard for me. I miss my job and my co-worker's  horribly.  I've talked to them on the phone a few times  and it always leaves me in tears afterwards. 
Random bad stuff- You can't pump your own gas. It's weird and it sucks!
There is alot of traffic. If something is 6 miles away it takes over 20 minutes to get there.
It's super expensive to buy a house here. Not really sure we want to stay here or not for that reason.
There are lots of panhandlers even up here in the suburbs.  They seem pretty well dressed, cell phones, smoke nice pipes. They have "regular" spots and mostly work 9-5 M-f .
It's crowded.  Rural meets city but instead of spreading out more,  all the city areas are super cramped.
Random good stuff- Food. There is really some fabulous food here. Lots of wonderful choices.
It's really beautiful.
People are super friendly.  Very nice everywhere we go. Impressive.
Lots of cool parks and museums.
Beach is only an hour away.
Right now I just want to get the heck out of here to be honest,  but maybe it'll grow on me. We shall see.