Saturday, January 30, 2010

Friday night bath night

This has been a tradition since Trevor started school.  Every Friday
night it seems I'm beat, so I've always had the kids take a bubble bath
together.  It's not going to happen much more as the boys are getting to
old to take a bath with Savannah.  They sure have had lot's of fun!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

People are nice

I sent Savannah's teacher a note asking her if she had any advice on
 how to get Savannah more intrested in writting.  She wrote me back
 and  told meshe would be sending a few things home with her on
Thursday.  I was expecting a few worksheets or something.  This is
 what she sent home
It's a whole kit from handwritting without tears
A note book with all sorts of writting activities, a chalk board,
a magnadoodle typy writting board, wodden pieces (to make letters)
flash cards, wipeable alphabet practice worksheets & even chalk
and dry erase makrers.  It was very nice of her to let us have
this stuff here at home with us. 

As lots of you know I am sick right now.  Patrick is just getting
over being sick and now I am feeling horrible.  Just a little
while ago my friend Erlinda came over with this for me

That's right yummy (and I do mean yummy) homemade
chicken noodle soup.  That was very nice of her!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sweet Monday

Trevor decided on simple Rice Crispie Treats, always a hit at our house.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Trevor went to his very first sleepover party last night.  When I went
to pick him I was told he did not sleep AT ALL.  When I saw him
gettting ready I could tell just how tired he was.  He looked up at me
and started crying.  He said his tummy hurt.  He was pretty upset, so
when we got home I gave him some pepto, motrin had him drink some
water change his clothes and get in bed.

He fell asllep right away......
and that boy slept from 10:30 until I woke him up at 3:00pm
and it took him until 3:30 until he got out of bed.

After he was rested he felt good and told me all about his FUN night!
He had a really great time.  Maybe next time he'll try to sleep at least
a little. Being  up for more than 27 hours does not agree with him.

* Because of Trevor sleeping most of the day his Sweet Sunday will be
done another day.  He has no intrest in making anything today.

Really exhausted

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Edible playdough

Savannah had a friend over this morning, so I thought it was the
perfect time to try this recipe for edible playdough I found here
I made recipe #1 and boy was it tasty.  It made the perfect
playdough to play with and eat.  I think the girls enjoyed it.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pinewood Derby

Trevor participated in his very first pinewood derby tonight.  He had
fun working on his car and deciding how to paint it.  We had NO
idea how "into it" some people get. Trevor's car was a little on the
light side, so we made some adjustments last minute and his car did
pretty good.  He had a great time.  His car got the award for the
most colorful.  We now know better what to do next year.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Smart Boys

Both Trevor and Griffin were picked to participate in the Math
Olympiad this year. I had to work, but Patrick & Savannah
went to cheer them on.  They both did really well.

Griffin getting ready to buzz in on a question

Trevor waiting in line for a turn (in red)

Monday, January 18, 2010


I sure do love my handyman, even when he works right in the middle of the family room.

Patrick & the boys were working on a new bed frame for Griffin.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sweet Sunday

Today it was Griffin's turn to choose & prepare dessert.  He decided to
make brownie ice-cream sundaes.  He picked out mint chip ice cream.
It was a super good dessert.

Friday, January 15, 2010

I'm so proud

Look at what Griffin made all on his own

He's such a smart kid. The boy's have lots of science kits where he was
able to get some parts to make his very own motor boat.  The propeller
really spins.  He had some weight issues, so tomorrow he says he may
change to a solar panel and maybe do some carving to make it lighter.
I love that this is what he does for fun.  I'm very proud of my growing scientist.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

News flash from a 4 year old

Savannah just came up and told me " Lady GaGa is gonna die cause they keep poking her face

If you are not familiar with her, Lady GaGa has a song called
Poker Face.  It made me laugh so hard. I had NO idea she
even knew who Lady GaGa was. It's amazing what a preschooler
learns on her bus ride. (Yes, she said it was a friend on the bus who
has taught her all about Lady GaGa)

 Are we gonna have our hands full in a few years?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sweet Sunday

As a New Year's goal we are going back to just having dessert on Sunday.   I decided to let each of us have a week to pick and make dessert.  We decided to go youngest to oldest so Savannah was first this week (and I'll be last).  At first Savannah said she wanted a rose cake.  I was not sure what she meant by that, so I asked her if it would be o.k. if we did a strawberry cake.  She was happy with that.  We made a strawberry jello poke cake with cool whip frosting and fresh strawberries.  She had fun making it, and we all enjoyed eating it!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Feeling sick

So, this morning Trevor was not really into breakfast.  He said his tummy hurt.  Every once in awhile he'd say his tummy was hurting.  He ate a pretty good lunch, and was running around like normal so I didn't think much of it.  At dinner he told me again, so I gave him some children's pepto.  After dinner we went to the grocery store where he was really starting to say his tummy hurt.  Right before we checked out I saw him cover his mouth and I knew what was happening.  He threw up ALL over.  A lady who worked at the store was super kind and called people to clean it up right away, then she walked Trevor and I to the bathroom while Patrick proceeded to check-out.  Poor kid felt terrible and I think was pretty embarassed. It was all over his face, hands and sweatshirt.  He got sick a few more times after we got home, but then was able to sleep thru the night.  This morning he feels fine again. I'm keeping him home from church just to be sure.
Having kids is such an experience.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

What kind of year will this be?

I wonder what this year will bring.  It's a bit different already.  Patrick is taking a few semesters off of  school (which I am very happy about).  I started working part-time at a local in- home preschool M-F 9-1
it's already seems like things will be different.  We've finally gotten to the stage where we don't have any little ones around 24/7 which is kinda sad.  We are all growing up and changing.  I can't help but wonder what this year will bring and even further what the next 5 or 10 years will bring.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

11 years

This morning Patrick and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary.  We went out to breakfast
at The Range while the kids were at a Church breakfast.  What better way to celebrate our marriage
than stuffing our faces?  In 11 years we have had:
7 address in 3 states
3 great kids
5 cars
several different pets
many, many vacation
and lots of love!
Here's to 11 (or more) years to come!