Saturday, January 9, 2010

Feeling sick

So, this morning Trevor was not really into breakfast.  He said his tummy hurt.  Every once in awhile he'd say his tummy was hurting.  He ate a pretty good lunch, and was running around like normal so I didn't think much of it.  At dinner he told me again, so I gave him some children's pepto.  After dinner we went to the grocery store where he was really starting to say his tummy hurt.  Right before we checked out I saw him cover his mouth and I knew what was happening.  He threw up ALL over.  A lady who worked at the store was super kind and called people to clean it up right away, then she walked Trevor and I to the bathroom while Patrick proceeded to check-out.  Poor kid felt terrible and I think was pretty embarassed. It was all over his face, hands and sweatshirt.  He got sick a few more times after we got home, but then was able to sleep thru the night.  This morning he feels fine again. I'm keeping him home from church just to be sure.
Having kids is such an experience.