Thursday, January 28, 2010

People are nice

I sent Savannah's teacher a note asking her if she had any advice on
 how to get Savannah more intrested in writting.  She wrote me back
 and  told meshe would be sending a few things home with her on
Thursday.  I was expecting a few worksheets or something.  This is
 what she sent home
It's a whole kit from handwritting without tears
A note book with all sorts of writting activities, a chalk board,
a magnadoodle typy writting board, wodden pieces (to make letters)
flash cards, wipeable alphabet practice worksheets & even chalk
and dry erase makrers.  It was very nice of her to let us have
this stuff here at home with us. 

As lots of you know I am sick right now.  Patrick is just getting
over being sick and now I am feeling horrible.  Just a little
while ago my friend Erlinda came over with this for me

That's right yummy (and I do mean yummy) homemade
chicken noodle soup.  That was very nice of her!