Friday, April 30, 2010

Cookies For Dinner ????

Before we went to the Zoo Patrick made a nice big breakfast, so I only
packed the kids a few snacks for the Zoo which they had at about 11:30
By the time we got home they were starving!!  So at 3:45 I made them lunch.
Trevor had a birthday party to go to so at about 5:15 we left again.  I figured
they would not want to have dinner till 7:30 if at all. Since Trevor was at
a party and Patrick was at work I thought I'd buy some of those place and bake
cookies for Savannah & Griffin to enjoy as a special treat.  I made them a plate
of three each and gave them a glass of milk.  They were happy with that, I figured
why make dinner at all?  While they were eating Savannah says " Can we have
something healthy after this?"  Then she said "We can't just have cookies for dinner,
we need protien in our bodies!"  Well, there goes my idea for cookies for dinner!
I ended up giving them each a bannana, several strawberries and cheese as well.
I'm such a bad Mom, but  I'm sure they'll live  :)

Zoo Day

Today since there was no school we went to the Zoo with our new friends.
It was lots of fun.  We even took a ride on the Zoo train. It was a bit chilly at
times, but for the most part it was pretty decent weather. On the way home
we did run into quite a bit of a heavy slush mix.  I'm ready for it to be warm
all the time.

                                                             Savannah & Noelle
                                                          Four of the five kiddos

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Some stuff we've been up to the last week.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Last Game for the Rams

Today was Griffin's last soccer game of the season.  It was so cold and windy.
Griffin did a great job  even with the cold weather, we won too!  He usually
plays goalie and many people say he's awesome at it.  It's been a fun year!
I think he'd like to play again next year.  He was on a great team with
great kids and coaches, so maybe we'll all be together again next year.

This afternoon the team had their End Of The Year Soccer party at Village pizza.
The kids all made their own pizza slices.  There was an awesome cake my friend
made for the team and trophies too.  It was a lot of fun for the kids.

Great season Griffin, you did awesome!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Day Off

The boys have colds right now.  I sent them to school yesterday anyways.
Today they were both warm, coughing and had runny noses.  I decided to
let them stay home from school for some much needed R&R.
Patrick brought home some food from IHOP for breakfast that was yummy.
Patrick and I both had really good omeletes ( something I can't make).

The boys have been hanging around he house watching Indiana Jones
and loving not being at school.  On my way home from taking Savannah
to school I stopped and bought the boys a surprise, new Nerf guns! 
Happy Day Off boys!  They are not super sick, but it made
them happy to have a day off.  Back to school tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Community feild trip

Griffin's first grade class went on a community feild trip today.
They visited the library and heard lots of stories, jokes and songs.
They got to make their own pizza at a local pizza place.
They enjoyed a tour of the Albertsons grocery store.

Here are a few pics

Monday, April 19, 2010

Ride 'em Cowgirl

Savannah using her chair as a horse!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sweet Sunday

This kid
picked Krispie Cream

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Random Stuff

We're good here, just thinking of lots of things that we'll be doing soon.

-Griffin & Savannah have Field trips on Tuesday ( I'll be going on Griffin's)
-Wednesday we register  Savannah for kindergarden
-Friday we meet with the "gifted" teacher to go over Griffin's results
-Both Trevor & Griffin are working on reports. Trevor's is on Theodore Rosevelt
 and Griffin's is on Giraffe's
-Griffin has 2 more soccer games then a fun pizza party
-We'll be moving the garden plants outside and planting them next weekend
-I'm getting ready to do a non profit Bake Sale with a friend
-Savannah will be having her very first ballet recital
- Trevor will earn his wolf patch
-Patrick & I are doing P90x, it's hard but awesome at the same time

-Only six more weeks of school left (I think)
-I've got the kids signed  up for swim lessons
-Bought some great books to do a book club with the kids
-We've pretty much planned our trip to CA July 12th-25th

Like I said random, I was just thinking about what is or will be going on
with us in the near future.  I know we're all looking forward to summer the most.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Go to sleep, Stay asleep

When Savannah was born and up until
about 3 1/2 she was an awesome sleeper!
Then she started to have a bit of trouble. 
Since about 4 it's been a steady cycle. 
She will do great, sleep through the night
for awhile ( a few months) then out of the
blue she starts waking up many, many,
many times a night.  Right now it seems to
be at it's worst. She is up at least three
timesbefore we even go to bed ourselves.
After that she'll wake up at least five times
a night, and if she's really quiet and Daddy
is at work  she sneaks into bed with  me
and I don't even notice.  So last week I
thought I'd put up  a baby gate in my 
doorway so she at least would not be
getting in bed with me, but could still go use
the potty if she needed to.  All that
 happened is she would cry at the
gate all night.  Tonight no joke within
30 minutes of  falling asleep she was up
crying.  I had her go potty & told her
I was putting the gate in her doorway so she can't come out.  I can't take  it anymore.  I'll be shutting my door so I can't hear her. She is five now, this should not be going on.  I don't want her to be super scared so that's why I'm not closing her door,  She also has a bright nightlight in her room. I was thinking maybe I should give her that sleepy time tea to see if it helps her sleep better.  We have night terrors in our family (specifically Griffin) and this is not that at all.  She just wakes up cries and wants to sleep with us.  Ummm no not gonna happen sweetie.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sweet Sunday

Today Griffin decided to make brownies in ice cream cones with frosting & sprinkles.
The kids enjoyed them while jumping on the trampoline.
I'm not sure about the rubber bands on their heads.  Don't mind their silly faces.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Freezer Jam and Veggie Seeds

Today we made lots of strawberry freezer jam.  Savannah helped me with it.

This afternoon Griffin & Savannah helped Patrick plant seeds for our garden.
We start them inside, then move outside to our garden when they get big enough.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday is Funday

Today we had another fun day.  The kids were out of school for one
more day, so we made the best of it.  We went to IHOP for breakfast
with Grandpa & Grandma before they headed to the airport to go home.
After breakfast we went home and relaxed for awhile, then went to the
movies to see How To Train Your Dragon.  The kids liked it.  When it
ended Savannah said "that was awesome!"
We went out to lunch ( I know 2 meals out 1 day) , then we went
to the park to fly kites the kids got for Easter.  The winds were too strong,
so that didn't last very long.  We let them play on the playground until the
wind gust started to get to be too much.  I think 50 miles per hour.  Gotta love
the spring wind NOT!  It was a nice fun day out.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

We dyed a few eggs with silk ties.
We had a great Easter!  My Dad , Step Mom and her
family came over for a brunch.  The food was yummy
if I do say so myself.  We orderded  a smoked ham
from a  place we like, it did not disappointe.
We had ham , mini quiche , candied bacon , blueberry
french toast, a yummy punch and several desserts.
In the afternoon we took a walk at the open space down
by the Rio Grande.  The weather was beautiful!
Hope you had a great Easter too!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Yay For Family

My Dad & Stepmom are visting for Easter right now.  They came all the way
from Idaho. We are happy to be able to spend some time with them!
Here are the kids with Grandpa John
this morning at breakfast.