Saturday, April 17, 2010

Random Stuff

We're good here, just thinking of lots of things that we'll be doing soon.

-Griffin & Savannah have Field trips on Tuesday ( I'll be going on Griffin's)
-Wednesday we register  Savannah for kindergarden
-Friday we meet with the "gifted" teacher to go over Griffin's results
-Both Trevor & Griffin are working on reports. Trevor's is on Theodore Rosevelt
 and Griffin's is on Giraffe's
-Griffin has 2 more soccer games then a fun pizza party
-We'll be moving the garden plants outside and planting them next weekend
-I'm getting ready to do a non profit Bake Sale with a friend
-Savannah will be having her very first ballet recital
- Trevor will earn his wolf patch
-Patrick & I are doing P90x, it's hard but awesome at the same time

-Only six more weeks of school left (I think)
-I've got the kids signed  up for swim lessons
-Bought some great books to do a book club with the kids
-We've pretty much planned our trip to CA July 12th-25th

Like I said random, I was just thinking about what is or will be going on
with us in the near future.  I know we're all looking forward to summer the most.