Monday, May 31, 2010

Savannah 911

So, minutes after we arrived home we ended up having to leave again and take
Savannah to the Emergency Room.  She was jumping on the trampoline and slipped,
she smacked her head on the metal part of the trampoline.  As soon as I saw it I knew
it was bad!  I had Trevor run upstairs and get Patrick.  He put her on the table on told us
all to get our shoes on.  Poor girl was crying so much.  Patrick got her calm by telling her
that she could get ice cream as soon as we were done. Here are some pictures of our night.

She's doing good today.  They were able to close it up using DERMABOND instead
of stiches which is good.  The clear film will come off in 7-10 days.  We we're home
by 11:00pm  (yes, she did get her ice cream) We'll be a little more careful the rest of
our summer break!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Fun Packed Day

This afternoon we went out and found our first letterbox of the summer.
It was an easy one that required no hiking.  If you have not tried leterboxing
I highly recomend it.  It's free, and fun!  It's like a truesure hunt and helps
with learning how to follow directions.  I like this site too.
The kids at the place where it was hidden ( camera cord
got in the way)
Sitting in the back of the car stamping our books.

After we finished up with the letterbox we found a new park,
and played a little family soccer game.  After awhile
the kids lost intrest and went to enjoy the playground.
It was such a nice evening, Patrick and I just sat and
talked while the kids played.

About 10 minutes after we got home there was an accident
with Savannah, and we left for a long night at the ER
I'll do a seperate post about that.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

First Days Of Summer Break

So far I'm loving summer break!  We've done lots of fun things such as :
Going out for ice cream
Archery (boys did too, but I'm just putting Savannah & Daddy's pic)
Playing at the park (both with family & friends)
Making lots of treats
Story tie at the Hot Air Balloon Museum
Setting up the Air Hockey table again
Starting to read our first chapter book of the summer
Bike rides & walks (no pics)
Living room campout
Lots more fun to come!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Future Graduate of 2023

Today was Savannah's Pre K graduation.  It was cute seeing her singing.
After the ceremony was over, she came and asked us " did you like the show?"

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Teacher Gifts

This is what I put together for the Teachers this year.

The baskets have a huge beach towel, gift card for
Baskin Robins, a magazine, water bottle and
a cute bookmark with a personal message.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

I want to say Thank You

To my kids that is, for giving me something to do.  I was happy to wake up
this fine Saturday morning with a nice clean house and nothing to do.  I guess
the kids realized I was planning on doing nothing, and quickly took care of that
for me.  I laid down with Patrick when he went to bed and talked for a few
minutes, then I took a nice long hot shower.  After I was dressed and ready for
the day this is what I found.

Well, I really appreciate this (I say this in the most happy voice)!
After much cleaning and orginizing it now is back to this

Geez, my kids are the best!!  Always giving me little jobs to do so
I won't get bored.  Well, misson acomplished!! Happy Saturday!

Friday, May 21, 2010


Checked on the my boys tonight and this is what I found.

I must be old or something, this just does not look comfy to me!

I'll need to move Griffin, I can just imagine the cries of pain that
would happen at like 2am if he rolled off the shelf onto the big
metal buckets. 
Well, at least Trevor is in no real danger, but I'll at least cover him up.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

It's good to have a goal

And this is my goal for today :

A craft cabinet and two 'junk' drawers in my kitchen that 
are in need of some major overhauling!


How long before they're a mess again?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A day in the Mountains

Today after church we drove up to the Sandia mountains. We did a some hikes on
several different trails.  One was still pretty much covered with snow.  We enjoyed
a picnic dinner that included chicken salad sandwiches and fresh cut watermelon. 
It was a great way to spend our Sunday afternoon.  Cody (our dog) had a blast too!
We ended the day with a stop at DQ on the way home for some ice cream.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Just because...

                                                                   She's so cute!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Theodore Roosevelt

Trevor did his last report of the year.  This time he dressed up as the American Hero.

This is a quote from Theodore Roosevelt that Patrick reminded me of.  We added it
the the cover over the report and talked to the kids about what it means.  It's a good one!

"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Bake For Hope

My friend Trayce and I did the Bake For Hope Bake Sale today.  100% of the proceeds will be donated to the Susan G. Koman Foundation.  It was a lot of fun , tons of work but totally worth it. I've been really sick with a terrible cough and have not been sleeping good latley, so I was thrilled it all came together. 
The kids were out there helping too which was great for them.  I sat down and talked to them about Breast Cancer and why we were raising money for this foundation.   Afterward I was exhausted and we had a big birthday party to go to a few hours after the bake sale ended.  When I don't feel good and/or am tired I tend to get grouchy.  Right before we left we found out someone has been using our credit card  :(
Patrick got the card cancelled and I left for the party.  While we were driving we hit a bunch of traffic and were running late.  I said "man, we're just not having any good luck today" Trevor quickly said "we raised $787.40 for breast cancer today, I think we we're pretty lucky"!  Good to have moments where my kids snap me out of it & make me realize how blessed we really are.  Thanks to everyone who helped out, it means a lot!!