Monday, May 31, 2010

Savannah 911

So, minutes after we arrived home we ended up having to leave again and take
Savannah to the Emergency Room.  She was jumping on the trampoline and slipped,
she smacked her head on the metal part of the trampoline.  As soon as I saw it I knew
it was bad!  I had Trevor run upstairs and get Patrick.  He put her on the table on told us
all to get our shoes on.  Poor girl was crying so much.  Patrick got her calm by telling her
that she could get ice cream as soon as we were done. Here are some pictures of our night.

She's doing good today.  They were able to close it up using DERMABOND instead
of stiches which is good.  The clear film will come off in 7-10 days.  We we're home
by 11:00pm  (yes, she did get her ice cream) We'll be a little more careful the rest of
our summer break!