Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Fun Packed Day

This afternoon we went out and found our first letterbox of the summer.
It was an easy one that required no hiking.  If you have not tried leterboxing
I highly recomend it.  It's free, and fun!  It's like a truesure hunt and helps
with learning how to follow directions.  I like this site too.
The kids at the place where it was hidden ( camera cord
got in the way)
Sitting in the back of the car stamping our books.

After we finished up with the letterbox we found a new park,
and played a little family soccer game.  After awhile
the kids lost intrest and went to enjoy the playground.
It was such a nice evening, Patrick and I just sat and
talked while the kids played.

About 10 minutes after we got home there was an accident
with Savannah, and we left for a long night at the ER
I'll do a seperate post about that.