Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This is how I feel most of the time now.

School is wearing thin already.  I feel like I can't
focus at all.  I'm not here at all, it's like I've checked
out completly.  Everyday I have what I call blunders.
It started out once every few days, then once a day.
Now it seems I have several blunders a day.

I will share some with you all without all the details.

1.One day I gave the kids bagels with sour cream, not
cream cheese.
2. For some weird reason put our George Forman grill in our oven
 and forgot about it, later in the day I turned on the broiler.
3. I forgot to put the top piece of bread on the kids sandwiches
 for lunch.
 4. Put some semi frozen chicken still in the plastic into the oven,
 so the dog could not get to it.  Turned on the oven to bake
cookies ...  oops
5. Decided to add the extra flour & sugar to the big plastic
bins I have.  I swear the bag said sugar, so I dumped it into the
 sugar, turns out it was flour. 

I had a bit of a breakdown today.  I'm stressed out.  Many people may
think going back to school is no big deal, but to me it's huge, and I'm
not myself anymore  :/

Monday, September 27, 2010

Yay for weekends

This is what we were up to

Grandpa John & Grandma Shelley drove down from
Idaho, they got in Thursday night.  We met them for a
late dinner.  Here are the kids waiting for them to
arrive at the resturant.

     Savannah & Grandma in the shade @
     Griffin's soccer game (it was hot). We got
     ice cream afterward.

 Breakfast @ Flying Star yum!

We went to Burger King to get some
owl toys before heading to the movies
Trevor read the whole series this
summer (15 books I think)
He said they only covered the first 1-2 books
 and left a lot out.  He said he likes the books better.

 I made these with Savannah for her class,
they are yummy!

We had a nice weekend, now back to the grindstone!

Friday, September 24, 2010

My drawers are full


Dixon Apples opened yesterday.  I could not go because of
 school.   Luckily my kind friends brought me apples.
This year I plan on trying my hand at canning.

These are what didn't fit in my drawers.
So glad Fall is here!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Warms my heart

Patrick is patient...... like 100x more patient than me.

He really takes the time to listen to the kids.  Whenever he is in
the kitchen to cook/bake something he makes sure the kids get
involved.  He gives them each jobs to do, and then  goes around
helping everyone with their task.  He talks to them, teaches them
and makes the kids really feel proud of themselves and what they
are doing.  I love when he's in the kitchen!  He's really busy now,
but he turns everyday tasks into learning Opportunities whenever
he can. 

He enjoys cooking, but most of all I can see how much love
and Patience has for our kids.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I'm in the mood for Fall

I've been buying stuff like this :

And making stuff like this :

 I've been looking at this blog daily for cute
                   Haloween ideas.

I love Fall, it's by far my favorite season.  Halloween is my
favorite holiday. I'm looking forward to crisp mornings and
evenings, yummy foods, and hot chocolate.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Soccer & Ballet

Yesterday Griffin had his first game of the season.  His team did
awesome, and won!!  I love watching him playing, he really enjoys it.

He's #3 in the air (something happened
 the picture looks grainy)
Savannah had her dance recital last night.  She started taking
Ballet last spring, so she was very much looking forward to
her recital.  She did great, and looked so pretty.  She has since
started taking ballet somewhere else, so her next recital won't be
until May.

 Enjoying her recital cake, yum!  I didn't get much in
 the way of  pictures, they had  a photographer there, so
 hopefully I'll get some pictures from her soon.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I often use the words "I'm Done" with my friends and family when I've
reached my limit. I feel done right now, even though I've only just begun.
Wow, life is so busy for us now.

It was sad when I saw Patrick driving into our neighborhood today, while
I was driving out with the kids.  I knew we would not really see him today.
We have a lot of days like that right now.  Now that I'm in school Tuesday's
& Thursday's all day, plus spend the whole school day Wednesday
volunteering in Savannah's class, I'm tired. Tuesday & Thursday is
Griffin's soccer practice, Wednesday is Trevor's scouts, and Savannah's
ballet. Saturday is Griffin's soccer games.  Patrick is back in school full-time
so,we rarely see him, and he rarely sleeps.   Let's hope these next four years
go quickly & I'm so DONE already!

Off to help with homework, make several batches of muffins to freeze, clean
up the kitchen, read to kids, bathe one kid, surpervise two more kids shower
time, tuck kids in, do at least one load of laundry, study for tomorrow's math
test, work on essay............... Whew!!!!  I'd like to be in bed in 3 hours

Thursday, September 2, 2010

All the rage

So, I guess this new fad is sweeping the nation.

Are the kids in your area into these??

Little rubber braclets that come in all sorts of different shapes.
The kids wear them to school & trade with other kids for shapes they'd like.


Yes,  my kids are caught up in the fad too!
Funny thing, I bought a few packs back in May
and my kids were not intrested at all.  Now that
all the other kids have them, they like them.