Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I often use the words "I'm Done" with my friends and family when I've
reached my limit. I feel done right now, even though I've only just begun.
Wow, life is so busy for us now.

It was sad when I saw Patrick driving into our neighborhood today, while
I was driving out with the kids.  I knew we would not really see him today.
We have a lot of days like that right now.  Now that I'm in school Tuesday's
& Thursday's all day, plus spend the whole school day Wednesday
volunteering in Savannah's class, I'm tired. Tuesday & Thursday is
Griffin's soccer practice, Wednesday is Trevor's scouts, and Savannah's
ballet. Saturday is Griffin's soccer games.  Patrick is back in school full-time
so,we rarely see him, and he rarely sleeps.   Let's hope these next four years
go quickly & I'm so DONE already!

Off to help with homework, make several batches of muffins to freeze, clean
up the kitchen, read to kids, bathe one kid, surpervise two more kids shower
time, tuck kids in, do at least one load of laundry, study for tomorrow's math
test, work on essay............... Whew!!!!  I'd like to be in bed in 3 hours