Monday, September 27, 2010

Yay for weekends

This is what we were up to

Grandpa John & Grandma Shelley drove down from
Idaho, they got in Thursday night.  We met them for a
late dinner.  Here are the kids waiting for them to
arrive at the resturant.

     Savannah & Grandma in the shade @
     Griffin's soccer game (it was hot). We got
     ice cream afterward.

 Breakfast @ Flying Star yum!

We went to Burger King to get some
owl toys before heading to the movies
Trevor read the whole series this
summer (15 books I think)
He said they only covered the first 1-2 books
 and left a lot out.  He said he likes the books better.

 I made these with Savannah for her class,
they are yummy!

We had a nice weekend, now back to the grindstone!