Thursday, December 30, 2010

Feeling yucky

I'm not sick, I just feel sick all the time.  For the last three months or so I've had constant
nausea. I went to the Doctor just last week to find out what could be going on.  I seriously
feel sick at least 5 days a week.  It's been getting worse more like all the time now.
She did some blood tests which I don't have the results for yet.  She also put me on a acid
reducer once a day, and gave me anti -nausea meds as well. I'm suppose to go on a bland
diet. No red sauce, no cream sauce, no citrus fruit, no soda ect. ect. ect.  I'm also suppose
to eat 6 small meals a day.

I just lost my very small breakfast and feel so yucky!  I hope they can figure out what's
causing this. It's no fun feeling sick all the time.  Unless it helps me with loosing some
weight there's just no point  ;)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day


Everything was a hit!  Thank you everyone for the gifts!  We had a great
Christmas, and hope you did too.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Getting ready for Santa

As soon as the kids woke up they wanted to start tracking
Santa on Norad.  They checked often during the day.

We ate cinnamon rolls for breakfast while we watched Micacle on 34th street.

                                                                                 We got a surprise gift from some good friends of ours. A gingerbread house that they  built & colored right away! 
We made S'more bars for Santa & left out oats & carrots for the reindeer,

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Eve of Christmas Eve

Here's what we were up to tonight.

The BEST house we've seen.  It's awesome!

Campimg out in front of the Christmas tree, every kids dream.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Candy trains

Our friends had a little Christmas party today.  The kids each built a candy train.
They also decorated around their trains with trees, snow ect.  They had a blast!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Fort building

Yesterday mornig the kids built a fort in the family room and played in it all day.

When it came to bedtime we decided to let them sleep in it too.

They slept great and had fun.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Starting Christmas break with a bang!

While I was taking a shower this morning Griffin came in and told me he had been playing
catch with Cody.  I guess Griffin tripped and fell backward.  The toy he was holding flew
backward, then Cody jumped over Griffin to get the toy.  One of his paws hit his eyelid
and busted it open.  I could only see a small scratch under his eye, so I told him I was
sorry and also to put some ice on it. After I was done I came down to look at it.  It was
a pretty deep gash on his eyelid.  I ended up taking him to urgent care. 
The cut -click to enlarge   :)

Griffin did AWESOME!!  He never cried at all EVER!!

They decided to stich him up, he was joking around with the
nurse & doctor.  He got two stiches that will stay in for five days.

All stiched up & back at home.

Still happy tonight  :)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Snow Day

Yesterday afternoon it started snowing.  By the time the kids got home from school it started
to stick.  It kept snowing all night.  In all I think we got about 5 inches.  Parts of the city got
about 8 inches.  School was canceled.  It was the last day of school before Christmas break
started.  We were all kinda bummed to miss the class parties, but ended up having a pretty
fun time in the snow.  We even walked to the park to play.

It was fun.  I'm glad we got some snow before Christmas.
Makes it feel more like a real holiday.

Class treats

These are the treats I made (with help from the boys) for their class parties.
Too bad there ended up being no school due to a snow day.  Guess we'll have
to eat them ourselves.  Can you say sugar rush?

Rolo pretzel treats for Griffin's class

Christmas cupcakes for Trevor's class

Luckily, I didn't make Savannah treats yet.
We'll save the Peppermint Candycane Brownies  for Christmas Eve.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Getting ready for Christmas

Savannah & I made some cute homemade soap for her stocking
 stuffing party at school.

                                          We set up the Polar Express train set by the tree.
This has become a tradition, the kids love watching it!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010

The great Tree hunt 2010

After the kids got out of school today we went to buy our Christmas tree.
We found a lot that had some beautiful trees (The Albuquerque Boy's choir).
The people were very friendly and helpful.  My first thought was these trees
have got to be super expensieve, but I was wrong.  We got a tree that was over
12ft tall for $60.00, I had just been to Walmart earlier today where I saw some
5 1/2 ft trees for $50.00  I'm very happy with the price tag on this tree.

The kids had a blast running through the trees!

                                             A view from upstairs after we trimed the top off.
It's huge and full and we love it!! 

Cody's deciding if he should eat it.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Menorah Lighting

Savannah made a neat little menorah at school last week.  She just brough it home tonight,
the last day of Chanukah.  Griffin was really excited for us to light it.  He learned all about
Chanukah last week too.   Griffin lit all the candles tonight.  It was a pretty sight!

* No, we are not Jewish, but we do love learning all
about other people's customs. 

Gingerbread house

Savannah's class made gingerbread houses today.
She has a lot of fun decorating her's with lots of candy.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Will he ever learn?

The kids were bored, so I thought it would be fun to make a batch of salt dough and make
some ornaments.  We added some green food coloring to make it look festive.  The kids
got to work creating. 
*A little back story* When Trevor was younger, especially in preschool he LOVED eating
playdough.  Everyday when I would pick him up after they had played with playdough,
they would tell me he had eaten it, and thrown up a bunch.  Yes, every single time! 
No matter how may times we told him not to eat it, he would and he'd end up throwing
up. Now that he is nine I figured he was past the stage.  I still catch him every once in
awhile sneaking a piece and remind him not to.  So, today I'm sitting taking pictures of
the kids making their creations.  Trevor gets a strange  look, jumps down and then runs to
the bathroom.  I of course  follow him (with the camera).  I asked him if he ate the salt
dough and he says yes.  I snap his picture, and then he gets sick!  Yuck,  yuck, yuck!
Seriously, when will he learn?

Friday, December 3, 2010

Paper cell phones

The other day the boys made paper cell phones.  They looked at our phone and added
buttons they thought were important.  The cute part is they have been playing with them
a TON! Griffin even made a cell phone charger (a small paper box).  They happily made
Savannah one today so she could join in on the fun.

Simple pleasures I tell you!