Saturday, December 4, 2010

Will he ever learn?

The kids were bored, so I thought it would be fun to make a batch of salt dough and make
some ornaments.  We added some green food coloring to make it look festive.  The kids
got to work creating. 
*A little back story* When Trevor was younger, especially in preschool he LOVED eating
playdough.  Everyday when I would pick him up after they had played with playdough,
they would tell me he had eaten it, and thrown up a bunch.  Yes, every single time! 
No matter how may times we told him not to eat it, he would and he'd end up throwing
up. Now that he is nine I figured he was past the stage.  I still catch him every once in
awhile sneaking a piece and remind him not to.  So, today I'm sitting taking pictures of
the kids making their creations.  Trevor gets a strange  look, jumps down and then runs to
the bathroom.  I of course  follow him (with the camera).  I asked him if he ate the salt
dough and he says yes.  I snap his picture, and then he gets sick!  Yuck,  yuck, yuck!
Seriously, when will he learn?