Saturday, January 8, 2011


Savannah woke up at like 4:00 in the morning with an earache.  I gave her some Advil, and
she went back to sleep.  When she woke up she seemed better, but would tell me her ear hurt
every once in awhile.

We went grocery shopping.... that was NO FUN with all 3 kiddos.  The boys are wild in stores.

I cleaned downstairs, made it look wondeful then messed it up again in no time   :)

I made some tasty dishes for Patrick to take to a get together he was going to tonight.

The kids played Archaeologist in the front & backyard, they used scooters for transportation.

By the time 7:15pm rolled around Savannah was feeling yucky again.  I felt bad for her. 
I gave her a good dose of Advil and put ear drops in her ear.  I let her sleep in her sleeping
bag in my bedroom tonight.  Looks like we need to go to the Doctor.  Actually we all are
a little sick with cold type symptoms.  A day in the life of us.

Fun Sautrday!