Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nice Wednesday's & Lemon Lover

I actually don't like Wednesday's very much.  Run around is all I seem to do.  Between voulenteering, ballet, scouts & karate, there is not much time here at home.  I feel like a taxi driver on Wednesday.  Patrick on the other hand has no school.  He has to start his work week again Wednesday night, but until 2:00 he's free.  Something he's done for quite awhile that I just love, he get's things done for me before he goes back to work.  He spends Wednesday mornings doing all the laundry & folding it too.  Doing all the dishes and putting them away.  He says he likes to help me out before I'm on my own till basically the next Monday.  I really appreciate how thoughtful he is.  It's so nice after all the running around on Wednesday.  I can come home at night to a nice clean house with nothing to do.  Thank you SO much for your nice Wednesday's they really mean a lot to me!

Fresh towels washed, folded & nicely put away

The other day Savannah made a yummy drink recipe from a cookbook she got from her friend as a birthday gift.  It had lemon juice in it.  After she made it she spent about an hour sucking on the lemon rind.  She LOVES lemons, and can't seem to get enough.  She asked if she could put them in a baggie in the fridge, and I said sure.  She likes to suck on them every once in awhile when she wants something sour.
That's my lemon lover.