Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wild and crazy tooth story

This morning Griffin was sitting on the couch.  I ran over to him and started  Tickling him all over.  All of the sudden he jumps up, starts crying & gagging pointing to his throat.  He says ( like he is holding something in his mouth) my tooth.  Then, he really starts crying.  I guess I had knocked out his very loose tooth, then he swallowed it.  He was crying now, maybe upset he might not get a visit from the Tooth Fairy.  Then he starts coughing a bunch.  He walks over to the tile area by the laundry room and throws up.  It was mostly just blood, slimy gunk & the tooth!  I walk over tell him it's ok.  I pick up the tooth then take it to the bathroom sink to wash it off, and drop it, it goes down the drain (I'm really slick).   So, I unscrew the pipe, dump the stuff out (including the tooth) . Now, I  make sure the drain is closed and really wash the tooth.  Finally, it is given back to it's rightful owner, and he was no longer sad.  Talk about an exciting morning, and we hadn't even had breakfast yet.

All that trouble for this little tooth