Saturday, March 10, 2012

California Trip day 1 & 2

After a long day in the car, we arrived at my brother Mark's house in Bakersfield.  Shortly after we arrived, Griffin was given some cold meds that did not agree with him.  He threw up several times all over their kitchen floor, yuck.  Luckily after that he felt better (besides the fever & cough) and was even able to have some brownies that Aunt Cheri had made.  We hung out for awhile before it was time for bed.  In the morning, Mark made us all a nice big breakfast before we started our drive up to Sacramento. 

We were all excited to meet our newest nephew/cousin Sawyer, who turned 7 months while we were there.  There was no avoiding the germs.  Saywer got sick after we left We just could not keep our hands off this sweet boy.

Later that evening my brother Brad took us out to dinner at Claim Jumper.  My brother Bryan & his wife (who I was meeting for the first time) met us there.  We all enjoyed hanging out, and good food.

After dinner we went over to my brothers Bryan's house.  The adults chatted, while the kids ran wild.  Uncle Bryan & Aunt Jenny gave the kids some toys which included these really cool balls for all the kids.  They had lots of fun playing with them.

We sure had a good time hanging out.  I wish our kids were able to see all of their cousins more often.