Sunday, May 26, 2013

First offical day of summer vacation

Today was the first day of summer vacation.  We all slept in which was nice.  Trevor was in the backyard without shoes on  this morning.  He decided to jump on an anthill, and when he landed, he hit his heal on a big sharp rock and cut it.  It looked pretty bad, but I bandaged it and decided to have Pat look at it when he woke up.

This afternoon, I was surprised to find out that Griffin had planned an end of the school year water party without telling us.  When his first friend showed up I decided to just go with it.  I made popcorn, and set out ice water and juice for the kids.  They played with water guns, the hose, and water balloons too.  As we were winding down I gave all of the kids a popsicle.  I made Trevor put on several layers of socks, and a tennis shoes, and join in (even though he was complaining about how bad his foot hurt).

As the party finished, Pat took a look at Trevor's foot.  He thought it was bad enough for stitches.  He was also shocked that I had him running around with this bad of an injury on his foot. I've learned to just wake him up. He is in fact the medic of the family, and always know exactly what to do. So I took Trevor to an after hours pediatric office.  They decided to stitch his foot up.  He got four stitches and is supposed to stay off his foot as much as possible for 10 days, and use crutches.  This was his first time getting stitches.
It was a great first day of vacation full of surprises!!
Who knows what the rest of the summer has in store for us.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Summer vacation has begun

Yesterday was the last day of school for all the of the kiddos.  We are all so happy!!  I can't believe how fast this school has gone by.  Even the kids have commented on how quick it went.  We started writting our summer fun list, and we're looking forward to crossing items of that list.



Sunday, May 19, 2013


This weekend the kids and I were busy. We decided to do some landscape work.  We planted an new apricot tree in the backyard. Now we have an apple, nectarine, and apricot.  I'd like to add at least one more fruit tree soon.

After that, we moved into the front yard.  A few weekends back the kids took out 3 lavender bushes.  They were getting way too big, and out of control.  Yesterday, we finished the clean up of those bushes.  Next, we moved all of our big rocks onto the walkway.  We decided on a new design for the big rocks, and laid them all out again.  After that, we turned the soil, added new soil, then added wildflower seeds that are suppose to attract butterflies, and hummingbirds. In the end we all agree it looks so much better.  We cant wait for all the flowers to start growing.



Saturday, May 18, 2013

Disco skate night

Last night there was a family disco skate night.  I knew there was going to be a contest, and since Trevor out grew the white suit Griffin dressed up in it.  He looked really good!  Savannah also dressed up.  Trevor & Savannah have actually never been roller skating before.  I was so proud of them.  After a bit of a rough start, both of them were skating pretty darn good by the end of the night.

Griffin actually won the costume contest!  He was pretty excited, and he picked out an electronic dart set as his prize. 
It was such a fun night.  It was pretty cheap too  :)
We hope they do this a lot more often during the summer.  Now my kids all want skates of their own.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Griffin's State Report

At the end of the year, all 4th graders have to do a state report.  Griffin was assigned Wyoming.  He had to write a report, make a diorama, make a tri-fold poster, and because he's in gifted, he had to do a PowerPoint  presentation.  He did all of it on his own.  We didn't even give him any ideas.  The only thing I helped him with was the hot glue that made the geyser Old faithful for his diorama.

He did a great job!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Last weekend we went up to Durango, Colorado for a Soccer tournament. The same weekend Griffin's team was playing his class from school was going on a campout. Griffin was sad  to miss the campout, so we decided to camp while we were in Durango. 

After we set up camp, we went into town for dinner.  We decided to make this a super simple trip, and eat out most all of our meals.  We found a delicious BBQ place called Serious Texas BBQ.  The food was so good !  We all loved it!


After a quick trip to the store to pick up a few things, it was back to camp for smores.

The next morning we had to get up early for Soccer games.

I didn't take any game pictures.  I'm a bit crazy during games, and can't seem to focus on anything other than the game. I do lots of screaming  :)
His team played really well.  The first game they lost 2-1 The second game  they tied.
We didn't do much the rest of the day.  We were all pretty tired.  The next day (Mother's Day) we had another game.  This one they played great, but lost 2-0  Griffin is an awesome Goalie!!  People from the other teams were coming up and telling us how good our goalie was.  He was on fire!!  It's fun to see how far he's come since he started playing soccer 4 years ago.  This team has been great for his, and the coaches have already told us he does not need to go to try-outs, because they are for sure picking him up for Goalie again next year.
At the end of out last game the boys all surprised us running across the field with flowers for Mom!  It was so sweet.  I wish I had been able to get a picture of them running with their flowers in their hands.  It was a perfect way to celebrate Mother's day.

The rest of our day in Durango we did some sight seeing.  First we went to the fish hatchery and fed the fish.  It was fun.  The Animas River runs through Durango, so we headed down to the river after that, and they kids played in the water.

Next up was a yummy Mother's day lunch.  We went to Steam Works.
We got their right before a huge rush of people.  It was fun to look out the window at the families waiting for a table.  Since it was Mother's day we had to have dessert too!

We went to the train museum in town.  It was pretty cool, and free too.

Something happened to my camera while it was in Costa Rica So.....
all of my pictures are from my phone. Maybe soon I'll get a new camera.
The last place we went to was Honey Ville.  Our family really likes honey, so this was fun.  We enjoyed looking at the bee hive they had on display.  We bought lots of great honey products before heading home to New Mexico.

We had a great time, and can't wait to go back,