Sunday, May 26, 2013

First offical day of summer vacation

Today was the first day of summer vacation.  We all slept in which was nice.  Trevor was in the backyard without shoes on  this morning.  He decided to jump on an anthill, and when he landed, he hit his heal on a big sharp rock and cut it.  It looked pretty bad, but I bandaged it and decided to have Pat look at it when he woke up.

This afternoon, I was surprised to find out that Griffin had planned an end of the school year water party without telling us.  When his first friend showed up I decided to just go with it.  I made popcorn, and set out ice water and juice for the kids.  They played with water guns, the hose, and water balloons too.  As we were winding down I gave all of the kids a popsicle.  I made Trevor put on several layers of socks, and a tennis shoes, and join in (even though he was complaining about how bad his foot hurt).

As the party finished, Pat took a look at Trevor's foot.  He thought it was bad enough for stitches.  He was also shocked that I had him running around with this bad of an injury on his foot. I've learned to just wake him up. He is in fact the medic of the family, and always know exactly what to do. So I took Trevor to an after hours pediatric office.  They decided to stitch his foot up.  He got four stitches and is supposed to stay off his foot as much as possible for 10 days, and use crutches.  This was his first time getting stitches.
It was a great first day of vacation full of surprises!!
Who knows what the rest of the summer has in store for us.