Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mobile update

Our computer crashed, and we bought a laptop. It wad delivered the other day, but we've been too busy to set it up. So for now I'm blogging on my phone. We are plugging away at the house. The upstairs is coming together nicely.
 I'm loving the color we painted our room.

Tonight we attended an award ceremony at Trevor's school. He made Honor Roll this year. Its funny (kinda) the reason he didn't get principle list was because one quarter he got a B in PE. He was also one of the kids on his 6th grade team to be picked for Student of the year. We are very proud of him.  He's done so well this year!

This morning Savannah's fish died. She was pretty sad. After we got home from the school tonight we burried her, and had a little funeral.

Trevor has a reporto
due tomorrow. It is on the history of the bicycle. Here is a picture of the poster he did.

We are heading out of town tomorrow for a soccer tournament.