Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Last weekend we went up to Durango, Colorado for a Soccer tournament. The same weekend Griffin's team was playing his class from school was going on a campout. Griffin was sad  to miss the campout, so we decided to camp while we were in Durango. 

After we set up camp, we went into town for dinner.  We decided to make this a super simple trip, and eat out most all of our meals.  We found a delicious BBQ place called Serious Texas BBQ.  The food was so good !  We all loved it!


After a quick trip to the store to pick up a few things, it was back to camp for smores.

The next morning we had to get up early for Soccer games.

I didn't take any game pictures.  I'm a bit crazy during games, and can't seem to focus on anything other than the game. I do lots of screaming  :)
His team played really well.  The first game they lost 2-1 The second game  they tied.
We didn't do much the rest of the day.  We were all pretty tired.  The next day (Mother's Day) we had another game.  This one they played great, but lost 2-0  Griffin is an awesome Goalie!!  People from the other teams were coming up and telling us how good our goalie was.  He was on fire!!  It's fun to see how far he's come since he started playing soccer 4 years ago.  This team has been great for his, and the coaches have already told us he does not need to go to try-outs, because they are for sure picking him up for Goalie again next year.
At the end of out last game the boys all surprised us running across the field with flowers for Mom!  It was so sweet.  I wish I had been able to get a picture of them running with their flowers in their hands.  It was a perfect way to celebrate Mother's day.

The rest of our day in Durango we did some sight seeing.  First we went to the fish hatchery and fed the fish.  It was fun.  The Animas River runs through Durango, so we headed down to the river after that, and they kids played in the water.

Next up was a yummy Mother's day lunch.  We went to Steam Works.
We got their right before a huge rush of people.  It was fun to look out the window at the families waiting for a table.  Since it was Mother's day we had to have dessert too!

We went to the train museum in town.  It was pretty cool, and free too.

Something happened to my camera while it was in Costa Rica So.....
all of my pictures are from my phone. Maybe soon I'll get a new camera.
The last place we went to was Honey Ville.  Our family really likes honey, so this was fun.  We enjoyed looking at the bee hive they had on display.  We bought lots of great honey products before heading home to New Mexico.

We had a great time, and can't wait to go back,