Saturday, July 27, 2013

A leak and a LOT of rain

We recently discovered we had a leak.  We called the city water department, they came out and checked it.  They said it was on our side.  Boo, that means we are in charge of fixing it.

One morning when Pat got home from work, he dug out a huge hole to find the leak.
He was able to find it, and get it all fixed.  He put a small fence around it for safety, then planned on leaving it open a few days so it could dry out.
Well, it all sounded pretty easy, but we've been getting a ton of rain since then.
Every single day actually. Our area has had lots of flash flood warnings daily.  There has been a lot of damage due to the rains and wind as well. The hole has filled with water again.


Hopefully it will finally dry out, and we can refill the hole soon.