Sunday, August 17, 2014


Today is my 38th birthday!

Getting a little closer to 40 everyday.
Actually, getting close to 40 doesn't bother me.  Birthday's aren't a big deal to me.  I do have fun celebrating with my family though.

The day started with Patrick making yummy belgum waffles & bacon for breakfast. He's really very sweet to me. I thought I took a picture, but I guess not. 

Next up I opened cards & gifts.
Savannah made this cute ornament for me. I love it! I knew she had been secretly working on a project the last few days.

The card from Patrick & the kids was hilarious. Described my life as a mom perfectly. I was super surprised when I saw this post it note.

I really wanted to see it again, and take Savannah.  I was not expecting this gift.  I can't wait to take my girl with me to see Wicked. I know she will love it as much as we do.

Most of the day was spent relaxing.  I decided to skip Church.  Patrick & I meal planned for the week, and we also washed our bedding.

For dinner, I was sad to find that my traditional Greek dinner wouldn't happen.  The place we love is closed Sunday's.  Instead I decided on Claim Jumper.  Something for everyone.  It was delish!

After dinner we ran to the store for just a couple of things.  After that, we went on a walk per my request. It was a beautiful evening.

Once we were home it was cake time!  Patrick made the cake, and the kiddos helped decorate it. He's got more skill than I do when it comes to cakes.

We finished the night with some games.  Uno and Jenga. 

It was a great day with my family.  Here's to the next year in my life being just as good as all the rest.