Friday, August 8, 2014

Love story- part 1

I found this blog post in my drafts from two years ago, and realized I never published it. So, here it goes. 

Patrick and I met and started dating 17 years ago. 
So much has happened in these years I thought I'd start to type out the story of how we came to be.

It was  late July,  1997

I was a young 20 year old (weeks away from 21).  I was working as a photographer at Olan Mills in Saugus, California.  I worked a lot. Six days a week to be exact.  One afternoon, on my day off, I went over to my friend Chrisite's house.  We hung out and chatted.  I vividly remember trimming her hair while I was there that afternoon (bad idea).  While I was there, her good friend Patrick called and said he and some other guys were going to come over.   He actually asked to talk to me (even though we didn't know each other). He told me I should stay until they got there, and watch their sky diving video (Christie and some of her friends including Patrick had just recently gone sky diving together).  I thought that sounded cool, so I said sure.  Well, we waited and waited and they didn't come.  Finally I decided to leave (I actually had a date to go on that night).  Christie walked outside with me and we said our goodbyes.  I  started walking to my car.  As I did a car full of guys pulled up.  Patrick came right over to me and started talking.  I remember him being really flirty.  Then comes the moment that changed both of our lives forever.

 He says "Nice car!" ( I drove a Mazda rx7 at the time)  I say to him  "Wanna go for a ride?"

And he said "YES!"

We drove out to the desert. I showed him how fast my little car could go. Let's just say It was way over the speed limit. We also talked the entire time like we had known each other forever.

The only picture I have of that car of mine. It was a little two seater with a sweet red interior.  Patrick later started calling it the Jet Lion.

To be continued...