Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Dental work

Griffin had one really bad cavity.  Our dentist referred him to a pediatric dentist because she feared he might need a mini root canal, or have the tooth pulled.  Griffin refused the laughing gas because he said he didn't like the way it made him feel.  I was so proud of him.  He did so good.  The dentist was able to get the whole cavity (no mini root canal needed).  He put a small silver cap on the tooth.  It's a baby tooth, and will fall out in the next 1 1/2 yrs.

Trevor needed to have three teeth pulled.  These were baby teeth that just wouldn't come out.  When the adult teeth came in, these teeth moved to the side of his gums. His mouth looked a little creepy like Frankenstein.  He wouldn't let me take a pic.  :(
He did great, and although he's a little sore he'll be fine in a few days.  The tissue will heal itself in no time as well.