Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Home & Shout out to my awesome Husband - Vacation Day 40

We were all excited to get up and finally head home.  Griffin was feeling much better!
As we got closer we all started getting really excited. We collected so much stuff on our trip we could hardly fit it all.  The car was packed to the brim on the drive home.


We stopped at Jimmy John's for sandwiches and brought them home to eat.  Cody was very happy to see us.  We started cleaning, unpacking, washing the dog, and laundry right after we were done eating.  No rest for the wicked! 

This guy is responsible for our awesome vacation!  I'm so grateful for my hard working husband.  Without him our trip would not have gone so smoothly.  He is super organized, kept everything where it was suppose to be. Packed & re-packed the car multiple times.  He is super patient with the kids.  He knew exactly when to take a break, when to buy the kids a special treat to give them a boost of energy.  He played with the kids everywhere we went, and made everyday fun.  I'm not like that at all. I get easily frustrated & uptight. I'm super lucky to have such a fabulous husband & father for our kids!
We are blessed he has a good job that allowed us to take a huge 40 day vacation.  We made memories we won't soon forget, and I know Patrick has really enjoyed the time off.