Saturday, July 5, 2014


Today is Mr. T's 13th birthday.  We officially have a teenager in the house!!

I woke up, and made a breakfast of buttermilk blueberry pancakes, bacon, and sausage.


After we were done eating, he opened his cards from family, and his birthday gifts.

Yes, he got a teapot & fireworks.  Strange combination I know.  He loves making herbal tea so we knew he'd love that.  And for the fun teenage gift a ton of fireworks, because lets face it what teenager doesn't like lighting things on fire?

Later on in the afternoon we all went to the movies to see the new Transformers movie.  When we got home we had dinner, and then it was pie time!

Just like last year Trevor requested I make him a pie.  This year was blueberry sour cream.

The pie was delicious! I think it's safe to say Trevor liked it, he had three slices!  I think he had a pretty good b-day.  Nice and low-key just what he likes.

We love our Trevor boy!  Can't believe it's been 13 years since we became parents for the first time.
Happy Birthday
Mr. T
Looking forward to what the teenage years will bring.