Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Trevor We Know Now...

When I think about how to describe Trevor it's kinda hard.
As he has gotten older he has become much more reserved.
He is an analytical thinker. He does not let you know exactly
what he is thinking at any given time. Trevor is very smart.
Learning new things comes very natural to him. He gets this
from Patrick not from me. He loves to figure out how things
work. The other day he was talking to Patrick about giant
squids, he was asking all sorts of questions. After they had
finished their conversation Trevor went off to his room and
made a Giant Squid fact sheet which included pictures.
The other day he and Griffin were counting the money they
had in their bank, Trevor decided to make a chart to keep track
of how many pennies, nickles, dimes & quarters with a total
amount at the bottom. This is Trevor, the wheels are always
turning and he is always absorbing information. He is pretty
calm most of the time. He is adventurous and daring and I love
this about him. He is great with younger kids. He takes time
to talk & play with them while other kids his age would run off.
He he moody & easily offended like me. He goes off to be by
himself and when he's ready he joins everyone again. He loves
all things Willie Wonka & plans on having his own candy factory
someday. He also loves trains of all kinds. I can't believe how
much he has grown in the last 7 1/2 years. I can only imagine
what 7 more years will do. We're glad to have Trevor in our life.
It's been a learning experience for us first time parents.
We think he's a pretty great kid!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The War Is On....

So yesterday while the boys were at school Savannah made
a sign for her door. She's just now learning how to draw
people figures. She asked me to write No Boys Coming In
My Room! She taped it to her bed room door. Looks like
she added a bit at the bottom about Dad only later.

After the boys got home from school I guess they countered with a sign of their own. I was gone last night, but when I got home I noticed their sign. Which is a bit more harsh.

On the bottom the P.S. says Stop following us! To bad Savannah does not have a sister to fight on her side. The battle is on..... I have many years of this in my future!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday Afternoon....

So this afternoon we went out to lunch as a family.
After lunch we took the kids to the Alameda open
space to ride bikes. On the trail on the way back
went met an older gentelman. He was walking his dog.
Savannah loved the little dog and had a good time
running with him and petting him. There is this
cool estate that has all kinds of exotics animals,
today one of the camels came over and we spent time
petting it. After the bike ride we put the bikes
away and let the kids climb the cottonwood trees and
throw sticks in to the Rio Grande. It was a really nice
afternoon. The weather has been beautiful here.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

more on Trevor....

So as Trevor got older his personality came out.
I think it's kinda funny, because he seems so
different now compared to when he was 2, 3 or 4
He was so outgoing. We'd take him to the park
and he step onto the playground & say "hello
friends". He was so determined about everything.
Once at the park he was watching some older
boys play with this digger type toy he decided
to try it even though it was big and heavy.
One of the boys shouts "you can't do this, you're
to little". Well, that just made Trevor mad and
you should have seen him make this digger go.
He was always fearless too. Before he was even
two he was a great swimmer. Patrick would throw
him into the pool and he could swim. No floaties
or anything. It was cute to see this little guy
swimming on his own. At this age I think I would
describe him as happy, self confident, fearless.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Today my friend & I took our girls to Hoots, it's an indoor play
gym with inflatable stuff. I've posted about it before. We both
had free coupons, so we thought it would be a great way to wear
them out. They had a blast of course. I'm the Mom playing with
them, sliding down the slides I had lots of fun too! I did skin
my elbow going down one of the slides & that hurt. After playing
we went to Jason's Deli because we had coupons for free kids
meals. We had a great lunch. Both Savannah & Julia had a fun
day out.

As Trevor Grew....

He changed as most kids do. By the time he turned one
his eyes were brown like his Dad's and his hair was blond.
He was so much fun to spend time with. Patrick was deployed
a bunch of the first year, so it was just Trevor & myself.
We were buddies. At times I miss how simple life was
back then, it was just so different. Trevor was bright
from the beginning. He walked at 9 1/2 months talked
around that time too. I think his first real word was
"sock" we were in Vegas with Grandpa Pat. People
would always comment on how good he could talk at such
a young age, they always wanted to know what I did to
help him learn. I guess when it's just you & a baby you
have lots of time. I did do flash cards with him as a baby.
He could recognize all of them and say the word before a
year old. He just had my full attention all the time.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Trevor Patrick

Trevor was born July 5th 2001 at 2:31 in the morning.
It was a really long induced labor 42 hours to be exact.
After dealing with blood pressure issues, a high fever
and pushing to no avail for 3 hours my c-section was
finally approved. I've never been in such much pain,
I didn't think I could live through the surgery. Being
exhausted does not even come close to how tired I was.
I couldn't even sit up when they were trying to do my
spinal (epidural failed many hours before). During the
c-section I was in & out of it. I could hardly keeps my
eyes open. After they pulled Trevor out I woke right up.
I was amazed & instantly in love. Patrick wrote about
his feelings shortly after his birth When I first saw you
I was in awe of what had occurred. The Doctor pulled
you out of your mother & you started screaming right
away. With your stark blue eyes & reddish brown hair,
I saw both your mother & myself when I looked at you.
I've never felt such a wave of joy than at that moment.
Trevor weighed in at 8 lbs. 14 oz and was 21 1/2
inches long. We spent the next few days trying to
figure out how to take care of this little baby.
To be honest Patrick took care of Trevor mostly.
He was wonderful with him & seemed to be naturally
good with Trevor. I was more nervous than he was.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Something I'm gonna do...

So we've spent our whole married life not living near family.
San Diego was the closest , but we were still 3 hours away.
People have not had a chance to get to know our kids
quite as well as I'd like. It makes me sad that they can't
spend much time with Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and
all their Cousins. I'm gonna share a bit about each of
the kids so you guys can get a sence of who they are.
It's for you, and to be honest it's for me too. I know
that they are growing SO fast, I want to remember who
they were when they were little. I'll try to start with
Trevor tonight.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Every Night...

That Patrick works Savannah ends up in bed with me. So 3 or 4
days a week I wake up with Savannah sleeping next to me.
I don't wake up when she gets into bed with me. It never fails
that if he is not home she ends up with me. For some reason she
only comes in if he is at work. She prob. knows he'd kick her out.
I don't mind though it's kinda nice. She is the only kid that slept
great from the day we brought her home. If she wants to be near
me that's cool. This morning she says proudly "I didn't even get
into your bed last night Mom." Figures Pat was home.

Oh, don't worry I didn't cut her hair I just pulled it back into a braid before she went to sleep.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Boys are messy...

So today I had a terrible headache I mean REALLY bad. I had
the boys go outside to play so I could rest. Of course they
decided to make a huge mud puddle. It was only like 49 degrees
out and they were out there with no shoes on. Luckily the mud
came right up with a vacuum & mop And lucky for us we have
leather couches which are wipeable. My boys are SO messy....

Thursday, February 12, 2009

New hair (sorta)

Sorry for the extreme close up I just wanted everyone to be able
to see what I'm talking about. I got my hair cut again, and added
a few blond highlights & some copper colored ones too.
You have to look close to see them, but they are there.
I think she did a really great job. She also cut it a bit shorter
and framed my face. Here is a shot of the back of my head.
I like it a lot.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Griffin's Valentines Day Party

Griffin's class had their Valentines Day party at school today.

I went in and stayed the entire day (well, Wednesday they

always get out at 12:45)

I brought Savannah with me because Patrick had school.

The kids had so much fun! They made heart shaped baskets

to hold all their stuff, decorated signs for their bedroom doors,

played a sorting game with conversation hearts, had a pizza party,

and even decorated heart shaped sugar cookies. Their teacher

Mrs. Berglund gave all the kids all red heart shaped Mylar balloon.

Griffin wanted me to make all the kids in his class a heart shaped puzzle,

but I did not feel like being super mom. He also suggested gummy bears.

So, I made a small bag with gummy bears, and 2 kinds of teddy grahams in it,

I tied it with a tag that said Bear hugs from Griffin to_______ he was happy

with them. All in all it was a great party, but I was exhausted when we got home.

Friday, February 6, 2009

My girl...

This afternoon like most we spent out in the front yard.
The boys happily rode their bikes around the neighborhood
exploring stuff. Savannah on the other hand was happy to
hang out by me while I did some reading. She put on her
camping chair and walked around collecting sticks to make
a pretend camp fire for us to enjoy. No... it was not cold out,
she just wanted to wear her hat & gloves, and her pink cowgirl
boots. I sure do like her.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Look What I Got....

Amy's got new shoes, new shoes, new shoes Amy's got
new shoes on her feet. I know not a huge deal to everyone
else, but to me it is. You don't realize how crappy your old
shoes are until you get new ones. May we see many miles
together . Oh, don't mind the white legs is the middle
of winter give me a break!!