Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Trevor We Know Now...

When I think about how to describe Trevor it's kinda hard.
As he has gotten older he has become much more reserved.
He is an analytical thinker. He does not let you know exactly
what he is thinking at any given time. Trevor is very smart.
Learning new things comes very natural to him. He gets this
from Patrick not from me. He loves to figure out how things
work. The other day he was talking to Patrick about giant
squids, he was asking all sorts of questions. After they had
finished their conversation Trevor went off to his room and
made a Giant Squid fact sheet which included pictures.
The other day he and Griffin were counting the money they
had in their bank, Trevor decided to make a chart to keep track
of how many pennies, nickles, dimes & quarters with a total
amount at the bottom. This is Trevor, the wheels are always
turning and he is always absorbing information. He is pretty
calm most of the time. He is adventurous and daring and I love
this about him. He is great with younger kids. He takes time
to talk & play with them while other kids his age would run off.
He he moody & easily offended like me. He goes off to be by
himself and when he's ready he joins everyone again. He loves
all things Willie Wonka & plans on having his own candy factory
someday. He also loves trains of all kinds. I can't believe how
much he has grown in the last 7 1/2 years. I can only imagine
what 7 more years will do. We're glad to have Trevor in our life.
It's been a learning experience for us first time parents.
We think he's a pretty great kid!