Thursday, February 19, 2009

Trevor Patrick

Trevor was born July 5th 2001 at 2:31 in the morning.
It was a really long induced labor 42 hours to be exact.
After dealing with blood pressure issues, a high fever
and pushing to no avail for 3 hours my c-section was
finally approved. I've never been in such much pain,
I didn't think I could live through the surgery. Being
exhausted does not even come close to how tired I was.
I couldn't even sit up when they were trying to do my
spinal (epidural failed many hours before). During the
c-section I was in & out of it. I could hardly keeps my
eyes open. After they pulled Trevor out I woke right up.
I was amazed & instantly in love. Patrick wrote about
his feelings shortly after his birth When I first saw you
I was in awe of what had occurred. The Doctor pulled
you out of your mother & you started screaming right
away. With your stark blue eyes & reddish brown hair,
I saw both your mother & myself when I looked at you.
I've never felt such a wave of joy than at that moment.
Trevor weighed in at 8 lbs. 14 oz and was 21 1/2
inches long. We spent the next few days trying to
figure out how to take care of this little baby.
To be honest Patrick took care of Trevor mostly.
He was wonderful with him & seemed to be naturally
good with Trevor. I was more nervous than he was.