Friday, February 20, 2009

As Trevor Grew....

He changed as most kids do. By the time he turned one
his eyes were brown like his Dad's and his hair was blond.
He was so much fun to spend time with. Patrick was deployed
a bunch of the first year, so it was just Trevor & myself.
We were buddies. At times I miss how simple life was
back then, it was just so different. Trevor was bright
from the beginning. He walked at 9 1/2 months talked
around that time too. I think his first real word was
"sock" we were in Vegas with Grandpa Pat. People
would always comment on how good he could talk at such
a young age, they always wanted to know what I did to
help him learn. I guess when it's just you & a baby you
have lots of time. I did do flash cards with him as a baby.
He could recognize all of them and say the word before a
year old. He just had my full attention all the time.