Monday, February 28, 2011

Never a Dull moment......

This afternoon I got a call from the school nurse.  She said that Griffin had been punched by another
kid while at recess.  She said it looked ok, so she sent him back to class with an ice pack.  When I
picked him up, it looked a little red, but not bad at all.  As the night has gone on it has started to look
really bad.  It's red, not just the outside of his eye, the whites of his eye too.  It's also got yellowish
goop coming out of it now.  Looks like pink eye.  I guess we're off to the Doctor in the morning, again.

* PS Savannah went back to the Doctor on Saturday.  She was put on Azithromycin.  She is doing
MUCH better now, thank goodness!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Oh, what a night!

Savannah woke up 5 times.  Fever, bad cough, feeling yucky.

Griffin woke up with night terrors.  Took him awhile to get clam
enough to get back into restful sleep. He's getting way to big for me to carry. 

Trevor woke up crying with a leg cramp.  After motrin, water, and leg
massage, he was able to go back to sleep.  

Savannah this morning.  Her fever is back.  She cries when she coughs.
She stayed home today, and has a Dr. appointement later this afternoon.

* Update- We went to the Doctor. 
He did a flu swab, it was negative.
He did a rapid strep test, it was negative.
                                                         He checked her ears, all clear.
He said her lungs were not squeaky.
He says it's probably a virus.

Fast forward to tonight.  Her fever is back up to 103 she's crying, coughing, feeling bad.
I  give her cough meds & advil, then put her to bed with the vaporizer on.
Two hours later she's up crying, and her fever is still 103 YUCK!!
I lay her in my bed.  Put ice packs under her arms and neck, and a cool washcloth
on her head & tummy.  Then she starts coughing a lot, which makes her throw up a lot.
It's  a bunch of nasty mucus.

I have a super AWESOME friend who went to the pharmacy for me (Pat's at work).
With advice from my brother who is a nurse, she bought some meds for me. 
She also bought Sprite, Gatorade, and Ginger Ale.  Seriously, so nice!
Thank you so much Tracye!!

Poor thing, I hope she gets over this soon.  She may need to go to Urgent care tomorrow.
My brother thinks she needs a chest x-ray and blood work done.

It's been over a week now.  She's not eating, singing, dancing, or acting like herself. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Blue & Gold

Last night we had our Blue & Gold dinner for Scouts.  It's a lot more work when you're a scout leader.

We had a yummy dinner, had a speaker, the boys each decorated a cake for a contest, and we did awards.
Trevor got his Bear, Whittling Chip Award, 1 gold arrow, and 3 silver arrows.

This is Trevor's fish cake.

We put the patches on upside down and when they do a good deed they can turn it around.

Monday, February 21, 2011


I've got one little sickie resting in his bed.  The other one snuggling with Daddy in our bed.

They have high fevers (like 103), and nasty coughs!  Trevor missed school on Friday
on now Savannah & Trevor are missing school today.  Keeping my fingers croseed
that Griffin stays healthy. Bring on spring, and warmer weather, and healthier kids. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

Feeling claustrophobic...

We've been living in New Mexico for five years now, yes FIVE!!  Latley I've been feeling a bit trapped.
I like it here, it's a nice place.  I have friends here.  The kids have friends here.  Patrick has friends here.
We have a life here.  But I still feel trapped.  Since being married we have lived in three different states.
With Patrick being former Navy, we are used to moving every couple of years.  I like moving, or better yet,
I love moving.   It's fun to meet new people, explore new places, get a new house etc.  We've been here longer than anywhere else.  I'm done with New Mexico!   I feel like we're never going to leave.  I know
that we have a plan in place.  After Patrick finishes this degree in chemical engineering we plan on moving.
The thing is that won't be for another 3 years and 3 months.  By that time we will have lived here 8 years and 3 months.  You know this is the first place in our lives that we have not lived near the beach!  I think we miss the beach the most.  Even when I lived in New York I was close to the beach.  So some days I feel like I can hardly stand to live here anymore.  I'm ready to move on.... start over somewhere else.  Hopefully near the beach somewhere.  For the time being, since we really can't move just yet I like to look at pictures of the beach.  Four years ago this month we took an awesome trip to Costa Rica with Patrick's family.  I'm going to share some pretty pictures from our trip.  Way prettier than New Mexico that's for sure!

I have tons of pictures from that trip.  This is a little look for those of you who have
not been to Costa Rica.  Simply georgous is all I can say.  Now I wish we could at least
take a trip there, but we've gotta stick to our plan.  No more big trips for awhile.
  That way when we do move we will be financially set.  Being responsible sucks! 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A new look

We picked up Griffin's glasses today!  He looks great!  He's more excited about the spray bottle of
cleaner they gave him.  It will take a little getting use to.  Right after we got them he took them off
and put them back in the case.  I had to tell him he'd have to wear them all of the time (except during
rough sports).

Looking good little man!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

I helped in Savannah's class till almost 2:00, it was a lot of fun!  They did crafts, had lunch, and
then exchanged valentines with each other.  Savannah got a little something extra from a little boy
in her class named Cooper.  He gave her a stuffed doggie and ent her a candy gram.  So sweet!
I love seeing the kids get all excited about these little holidays.

After I finished helping in Savannah's class, I headed home to get some surprises ready for the kiddos.
They each got a card, book, and a mailbox filled with some yummy candies from Buffetts candy.
After karate, we ate a heart shaped pizza.  I love my family so much, it was such a fun day!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

V- Day Treats

I've never bought valentines for the kids to hand out, I've always made them.  This year there
were so many cute ideas on the internet.  It was hard to narrow it down.  I think these are
really adorable and the kiddos are excited to give them to their friends & teachers tomorrow.

Trevor, 4th grade. I found the idea here

Griffin, 2nd grade.  I found the idea here

Savannah, kindergarten.  I found the idea here

Thursday, February 10, 2011


They boys have started Kenpo Karate. So far they have gone to two classes.
Yesterday I brought my camera, but forgot to take any pictures.  These are
at home after class.  They really like it, which makes us happy!  Trevor was  not
happy about starting, and kept asking why we signed him up too.  After his first class
he got in the car and said "that was awesome!"

I'll do another post with pictures from their class soon.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentine Turtorial

Savannah was so excited to show me a craft she made at school today.  She made this one for Daddy. 
I just put the video of the first step, as it would have been too long to put up the whole thing.  It turned out really cute, and she was proud!

Untitled from Amy BArron on Vimeo.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Trevor's CaNed book report

Trevor had a cool book report due today.  He had to decorate a coffee can. Inside he had to write a letter to the Author, write a five entry journal (as one of the characters), make a pictorial timeline, and include five items that have to do with his book.  He chose to do his report on The Chocolate Touch. 
The project turned out really great.  He also had to type a summary of the book (it's on the back of the can).
He'll do a presentation in class today.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Last night Patrick & I actually went on an offical date.  We NEVER do dates, so this was
a special treat.  We were clebrating our 12th anniversary (a month late).  We went to dinner
at The  Standard Diner and the food did not dissapoint.  The only real dissapiontment was
the fact that we were running late, so we skipped desert.

After that we headed over to Pope Joy Hall to see WICKED!!!

The show was absoultly AMAZING!!!  We loved every little bit of it.  The music, the story, the costumes, the set, the special effects EVERYTHING!!  It was such a great night.  We felt like grown-ups.  Patrick said we should do stuff like this more often, and I agree.  I think my favorite scene was when she sings Gravity.

The only bad thing, which was not really last night, but this morning.  I got really sick.  We went to bed around 12:30 and around 3;35 I woke up feeling yucky.  I ended up throwing up all night/morning long.  At about 9:00 I woke Patrick up, so he could take care of the kids for me, and I could finally get some sleep.
He took them to the park (Cody too) and I slept for a couple of hours.  When I was not sleeping I was laying in bed listening to the Wicked soundtract.  The songs were in my head, so might as well listen to them.

If you want to listen go here.  These are the songs I especially loved:
What is this feeling, Dancing through Life, Popular, and Defying Gravity

Now at 9:00pm I feel better, well kinda.  I'm not throwing up anymore, and I kept dinner down.   I've got a head cold though.  I've been fighting that all week.  No fun!  I'm glad Patrick & I were able to enjoy a night out.  I love him so much, and miss him often with our crazy schedules.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Icy cold

The kids are on their 2nd snow day.  It's been weird.  Super cold with very dry snow.
Last night after dark, I thought the snow coming down looked like it was coming from
a salt shaker, or maybe a dusting of powder sugar.  I think we got maybe an inch or two.
It's been super cold though.  Today when we woke up it was 1 degree.  Tonight with the
wind chill it's suppose to be -12  which is SO STINKIN COLD!

We'll see if the kids go to school like normal tomorrow.  The roads are very icy.

                                                             A view down our street

* Update*
The kids ended up having no school the rest of the week.  So, by the time they get back it will be almost a week long break from school.  NM was (might still be) having a shortage of natural Gas.  They asked for
schools, and goverment buildings to close to help ensure more available for residential use.