Friday, February 25, 2011

Oh, what a night!

Savannah woke up 5 times.  Fever, bad cough, feeling yucky.

Griffin woke up with night terrors.  Took him awhile to get clam
enough to get back into restful sleep. He's getting way to big for me to carry. 

Trevor woke up crying with a leg cramp.  After motrin, water, and leg
massage, he was able to go back to sleep.  

Savannah this morning.  Her fever is back.  She cries when she coughs.
She stayed home today, and has a Dr. appointement later this afternoon.

* Update- We went to the Doctor. 
He did a flu swab, it was negative.
He did a rapid strep test, it was negative.
                                                         He checked her ears, all clear.
He said her lungs were not squeaky.
He says it's probably a virus.

Fast forward to tonight.  Her fever is back up to 103 she's crying, coughing, feeling bad.
I  give her cough meds & advil, then put her to bed with the vaporizer on.
Two hours later she's up crying, and her fever is still 103 YUCK!!
I lay her in my bed.  Put ice packs under her arms and neck, and a cool washcloth
on her head & tummy.  Then she starts coughing a lot, which makes her throw up a lot.
It's  a bunch of nasty mucus.

I have a super AWESOME friend who went to the pharmacy for me (Pat's at work).
With advice from my brother who is a nurse, she bought some meds for me. 
She also bought Sprite, Gatorade, and Ginger Ale.  Seriously, so nice!
Thank you so much Tracye!!

Poor thing, I hope she gets over this soon.  She may need to go to Urgent care tomorrow.
My brother thinks she needs a chest x-ray and blood work done.

It's been over a week now.  She's not eating, singing, dancing, or acting like herself.