Monday, February 28, 2011

Never a Dull moment......

This afternoon I got a call from the school nurse.  She said that Griffin had been punched by another
kid while at recess.  She said it looked ok, so she sent him back to class with an ice pack.  When I
picked him up, it looked a little red, but not bad at all.  As the night has gone on it has started to look
really bad.  It's red, not just the outside of his eye, the whites of his eye too.  It's also got yellowish
goop coming out of it now.  Looks like pink eye.  I guess we're off to the Doctor in the morning, again.

* PS Savannah went back to the Doctor on Saturday.  She was put on Azithromycin.  She is doing
MUCH better now, thank goodness!