Friday, February 18, 2011

Feeling claustrophobic...

We've been living in New Mexico for five years now, yes FIVE!!  Latley I've been feeling a bit trapped.
I like it here, it's a nice place.  I have friends here.  The kids have friends here.  Patrick has friends here.
We have a life here.  But I still feel trapped.  Since being married we have lived in three different states.
With Patrick being former Navy, we are used to moving every couple of years.  I like moving, or better yet,
I love moving.   It's fun to meet new people, explore new places, get a new house etc.  We've been here longer than anywhere else.  I'm done with New Mexico!   I feel like we're never going to leave.  I know
that we have a plan in place.  After Patrick finishes this degree in chemical engineering we plan on moving.
The thing is that won't be for another 3 years and 3 months.  By that time we will have lived here 8 years and 3 months.  You know this is the first place in our lives that we have not lived near the beach!  I think we miss the beach the most.  Even when I lived in New York I was close to the beach.  So some days I feel like I can hardly stand to live here anymore.  I'm ready to move on.... start over somewhere else.  Hopefully near the beach somewhere.  For the time being, since we really can't move just yet I like to look at pictures of the beach.  Four years ago this month we took an awesome trip to Costa Rica with Patrick's family.  I'm going to share some pretty pictures from our trip.  Way prettier than New Mexico that's for sure!

I have tons of pictures from that trip.  This is a little look for those of you who have
not been to Costa Rica.  Simply georgous is all I can say.  Now I wish we could at least
take a trip there, but we've gotta stick to our plan.  No more big trips for awhile.
  That way when we do move we will be financially set.  Being responsible sucks!