Friday, May 6, 2011


I thought I'd do a post about me.  Many people don't know much about me.  I guess you could say I keep a lot of stuff to myself, except for a select few.  So here's 10 things about me you may or may not know.

1. I am a night owl.  I enjoy staying up late, then sleeping late the next morning.  I tend to get more done after 8pm for some reason.  Since Patrick works night I put the kids to bed, then do housework.

2.  I adore dessert (probably too much).  I love to bake all sorts of sweets when ever I feel the "need".  Years ago when Patrick and I first got married, I would actually get a little offended if we went out to dinner and other people did not order desert.  It's the best part of the meal in my opinion.  I've had a long time dream of opening a desert place (I'll spare the details).  Just for fun, not my main career.

3.  I love to drive fast.  I have gotten plenty of speeding tickets too.  Maybe it stems from my very first job at Saugus Speedway.  Even years before I worked there, our family would be there most every Saturday night.  My favorite races were the train races, and the demolition deby. 

4. I'm a country girl at heart.  My dream besides living closer to the beach, is to have a little farm.  I was raised in a small town in CA.  We had chickens, pigs, ducks, and even a sheep.  I participated in 4-H for several years.  Raised pigs and took them to action during the summer fair.  I want that life again.  I would really like to have room to raise pigs, have chickens, maybe a cow (one each year), and a really big garden.  I've always wanted to have a big open yard with tons of flowers growing everywhere as well.

5.  I love to travel.  And it really does not matter where I go.  This world is so huge, if I could see just a fracton of it before I die I'd be so happy.  I love to experince local favorites.  Off the beaten path where most people don't go while on vacation.  If I had the money I'd be taking my family on many nice vacations every year.  Sometimes, I just brouse websites and plan out trips even though I know I can't take them yet.

6.  I don't mind being alone.  I am perfectly happy going out to the movies by myself, shopping by myself or whatever.  When I'm not by myself I perfer very small groups.  I hate big groups of people.  When I was a nanny in NY I had two really good friends.  One was my party friend who I went to many night clubs with.  The other was my calm travel companion.  We went on many trips together like Boston, and  Philadelphia. That's all I needed or wanted.  It's not that I'm not outgoing, I just prefer one on one ineractions much better.

7.   I hate with all my heart folding laundry.  Seriously, it's the dumbest chore ever.  Luckily I am married to the world's best laundry folder.  He's awesome!  He actually takes his clothes that I fold and re-foldes them the right way.   So, when he has the time he folds laundy, and I love it!  I wish we could just toss all clean laundry into bins  :)

8.  I love kids.  I actually wanted to have like eight kids when I was younger.  After Patrick and I got married we decided on four.  We ended up with three, which I am happy about.  Sometimes I do wish we had the fourth.  We even had names picked out, Phoenix for a boy, Brooklyn for a girl.   I've worked with kids a lot.  From preschool teacher, running a before & after school program, photography, and nanny.  I never finished college, so I'm back at it again  (11 years later), working on getting my Teaching degree.  I'd love to teach anywhere from K-2nd grade.

9.  I sleep with a special blanket.  The Christmas I was eight years old, my Grandma Pearl crochet blankets for all of the grandkids.  I have always loved mine, but more as I've been an adult.  Whenever I'm sad or sick, I like to cuddle with this blanket.  It's always on the end of my bed when not in use.  A few weeks ago Trevor borrowed it.  After a few nights I missed my blanket a lot.  It's my added layer of warmth, and I often find it in a ball  near my face when I wake up.   It's special  to me, and always will be.

10.  I enjoy the simple things in life.  I enjoy camping, hiking, the ocean, going for walks, spending time with the kids, baking, sometimes crafts,occasional sewing, reading, going to the movies, going out to dinner, sunsets, rain, gardening.  I think the older I get the more mellow I become.  I was in a former life a bit of a wild child.  Known by my family as the fighter.  I still have fight, just a lot less of it.   I love to blog.  I've tried many times, all unsucessful to write journals.  I start and stop them.  When I discovered blogs, I was hooked.  It's fast and easy for me to update often.  I'm grateful that I finally have a way (that I like) to record our history.