Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter weekend

I'm sick right now  I have been for over a week. Wednesday night I actually took the kids to Krispie Kream for dinner!  I was feeling crappy, and craving something sweet.  I'm either a horrible mom, or an awesome mom depending on your perspective.  On Friday even though I was feeling really bad I took the kids out and about so they could have a fun day. We went to the botanical gardens. It was a really beautiful day. After that I took all three to get haircuts. Savannah got her's styled too. Later on we all went to the park to fly kites.
After dinner the kids and I made Easter scooch-a-roo cups.  They are yummy.
Saturday night we went o see the movie the Croods.  We all loved it!


Sunday the kids woke up to Easter baskets!!  They each got a new swimsuit, and candy.
We went to Church, even though I fely really bad.  I figured I can't skip Church on Easter. After church the kids put on their swimsuits and jumped on the trampoline while I sprayed them.  It was a beautiful day. Patrick helped me make a yummy Easter dinner.  After dinner we did a glow in the dark egg hunt.  The eggs were filled with glow bracelts, and money.  It was a fun weekend, but way too exhausting! 

We hope you had a great Easter weekend too!