Friday, April 26, 2013

My ailments

Yesterday when I woke up my left foot was numb.  Patrick thought I should try soaking my feet in warm water with epsom salt to see if it would help.  I did that, and nothing changed. I took a picture of my foot marked in pen where it was numb.  I was sure that it would go away, and I wanted to remember where it was numb and when for an upcoming Dr. appt.

After a few hours, I decided to go get a pedicure to see if that might help ( and I was is desprate need of one anyways).  It didn't make any difference.  While getting the pedicure, I called my Dr. office to see if I should come in.  The nurse said she thought I should go to urgent care.  I decided to go and have my foot looked at. While I was waiting my foot started turning a reddish purple, and looked like it was swelling.  It was weird!
When I finally saw the Doctor, he could tell my foot was red and slightly swollen.  He checked the pulse in both my feet.  He said the left foot's pulse was not very good, and decided to transfer me to the ER, so they could do more tests. I was taken back right away because they were worried it could be a blood clot.  I had an ultra sound done of my leg and foot to see if there was a blood clot.  Luckily, there was not.  Bad news is they were not sure what was causing the numbness.  The Doctor asked if I had and back pain recently, and I answered yes.  The night before I was putting bookshelves together for the boys bedroom, nad my back started hurting pretty bad.  I laid on a heating pad for awhile, then decided to get back to work.  As soon as I stood up I fell to  my knees with a sharp pain in my back.  I didn't think the two were related, but the Doctor thought they could be.  She said she thinks I pinched a nerve, my sciatic nerve to be exact.  I was given pain pills, and a muscle relaxer and finally sent home. 
Today my foot is still numb, but it is not red or swollen.  My mind always goes back to possible MS.  A year or two ago, I had a strange thing happen with my arm, it felt like dead weight.  I was told it could possibly be MS.  After a brain MRI I was given the all clear.  The thing is my right big toe is almost always numb.  Today besides my foot being numb, my fingertips on my left hand are numb too.  I have a DR. appt. next week , so I'll have to see what she thinks.  I think since turning 34 I've had so my different health issues.  I've been thinking a lot about all my ailments, tests, and surgery's that I've had the last 2 1/2 years.  It's pretty crazy!
Endometrial ablation
High Blood pressure
Chronic exertional compartment syndrome
Brain MRI
Root canal
Hiatal hernia
Bladder sling surgery
Cronic cough
Pulmonary function test
Reactive airway disease
Many blood tests
I hit 34 and it all went downhill.  Obviously I really need to get healthier.  I can't imagine how many ailments I could have in 20 years.