Saturday, March 8, 2014

This week

On Wednesday for Activity Days, they met at one of the leaders homes.  They prepped a dinner for the missionaries.  They also got to decorate a recipe binder, and took home the recipes for the food that they had prepared.  Savannah is so excited to have her own recipe binder, she's asking me for recipes to fill it up.  It was a really fun activity.

For a long time I've been wanting to go more natural with my cleaning products.  A friend of mine has been selling doterra oils for a couple of years, and has sent me samples in the past.  I finally ordered some oils for us to try out.  Lemon, Lavender, and Rosemary. For cleaning I'm mixing water, vinegar, and several drops of the oils.  So far so good.  Best part they don't make me cough, or give me a headache. I'll be adding more soon.

A new phase in our life.  For years each night when I would tuck Savannah in as I would be leaving, she would Always say "Don't forget to leave it a crack." Just last month I was slightly annoyed, because after all these years you'd think she'd know that I've got it by now.  Well, in the last week or so all that changed.  She asked me to shut her door all the way.  She says we're too loud downstairs when she's trying to sleep.  Maybe its because she's turning 9 next week.    Ms. Big Stuff!  Now she says "Don't forget to shut my door!"

Last week at school Savannah had a big fall as she calls it.  When I picked her up, she had a rip in her jeans, and a rip in her shirt.  After her shower I bandaged her up (which hurt a ton).  She hobbled around the rest of the night.
While I was taking care of Savannah, Trevor walked in and his feet smelled so bad I almost threw up.  I immediately made him soak his nasty feet.  Pre- teen grossness!

Each of my kids has brought home a cabbage plant their 3rd grade school year.  Now it's Savannah's turn.  We haven't had time to replant it yet, so it's just sitting in the kitchen.  Savannah was over watering it.  It was looking bad, so I wrote a little note near it that says Do Not Water Plant
Yesterday morning I found Patrick had added some funny lines.  Always the playful Dad.
Trevor started Track.  He's loving it so far.  They run so much!!  On Wednesday he went to bed around 7:45pm when I checked on him at 8:00pm he was already asleep.  I love that he's exhausted at the end of the day.  Finally, something to wear my boy out!
Griffin & I both had eye appointments this week.

Last night Trevor and I hung out together.  It was just the two of us.  First, we went to Target so he could spend a gift card he's had since Christmas.  Next, we went o Krispy Cream so he could use a coupon he's had for a free donut of choice.  Lastly, I surprised him by taking him to the movies.  He had been asking me all week if we could go see the new movie Non-Stop.  We both really enjoyed it.  It was a great time chillin with my boy!