Saturday, November 6, 2010

I'm grateful for Savannah

Our sweet baby girl.  So happy she joined our family.
Savannah has brough us pure joy since she was born
five years ago.  We are so pleased to have this little lady
in our family.

Some things I love about Savannah

1. She is super sweet & loving.
2. She loves to entertain us with singing & dancing.
3.She is always very egar to help with anything.
4. When I look at her I see pure beauty.

Some things Savannah loves right now

1. Dancing - She takes Ballet lessons and loves it.
2. Going to school and learning- She loves kindergarden
and is quickly learning how to read.  She has improved in
 her writting a ton!
3. Sneaking into bed with mom on the nights that dad works-
She always says it's because of a bad dream, but I think she
 likes the "girl time."
4. Playing with toys - She especially loves animal toys, she
 says when she grows up she wants to be an animal rescue lady.

She is a super picky eater, whinny at times,a bed hog, but we
 absolutly adore this sweet little ray of sunshine.  She is truley a
huge  blessing in our life.  We love her very much!  We are grateful
for her in our life.