Saturday, November 13, 2010

What a day!

Yesterday morning I was scheduled for surgery.  I had to be there
at 6:30am.  Wouldn't you know that at 12:30am Griffin woke up
sick, and I mean sick! he was seriously up all night  long (me too).
Throwing up, fever ect.

I guess the surgery lasted about 35- 40 minutes they tell me.
It took me that long to wake up again.  My throat hurt and I
was in pain.  After I was allowed to leave we drove straight to
the pharmacy to drop off my perscriptions, then we went to IHOP
where Patrick went inside to order me an omlet and toast, then it
was back to the pharmacy to get my meds.
Got home, ate and went to sleep. Slept most of the day away.
Felt alot of pain.

Griffin also slept, and was super cranky.  I was glad Patrick was
dealing with him yesterday. He's doing fine today.  I feel better,
just super tired. I just woke up from yet another 3 hour nap.
I'm a little sore again.  Oh, if your wondering I had a
Hysteroscopy, D& C and Endometrial ablation.

What a day, Oh, what a day!