Friday, November 5, 2010

I'm grateful for Trevor

Our first born baby, how we love him!
When you have your first baby you have no
real idea what it will be like.  We were lucky with
this handsome guy.  He's always been a great kid.  At nine years
 old he is growing into an amazing young man WAY too quickly!

Some things I love about Trevor

1. He's kind- whenever he goes to a party he always comes home
 and divides the candy  or toys between his siblings. 
2. He's creative-  He's always coming up with drawings, stories ect. 
3. He's mellow-  I love the fact that he is so down to earth & calm.
 4.  He's neat & organized- He is not a messy kid, always has
 his clothes  laid out the night before, always knows where his stuff is. 

Some things that Trevor loves right now.

1. Reading- He is also reading Harry Potter series
books,  1 ahead of Griffin
2. Scouts - He really enjoys going every week, speding
 time  with other boys, earning awards.
3. Legos- He also is a big  Lego fan
4. Not the usual playground fun- Recently I heard this
 conversation in the back of my car.  Trevor says, "When
 you  finish your bunny  crackers, I need your bags guys, I'll take
 them to  school and fill  them with dirt, then  sell them for rocks."  Then
I hear  him  say "yeah,  the price of  dirt has  been going down lately at
 school." Made me  laugh.    He's not  your typical  nine year old. 

He's hard to understand, easily frustrated, often too
 reserved, so much like his mom it's amazing! 
I'm grateful to have him in my life, what a blessing he has been.